Electrofan Faraz
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Electrofan Faraz

Faraz Double Electro Fan is an innovative engineering initiative that was designed and built in the research department of Faraz Company. The design of this fan is such that by injecting water or any other medium into its central part, which is guided by openings due to centrifugal force into the primary blades which are protected by a ring. While producing wind, these blades turn the incoming liquid into small particles and mist and throw it towards the front of the fan. The main vanes that start from the first ring are protected by the second ring and by producing a large volume of wind while protecting the fall of particles produced by the primary vanes as a powerful wind guard, it causes these particles to evaporate and creates maximum cooling. . This device can be used to ventilate and cool and provide intelligent humidity in large places such as greenhouses, large halls, factories, chicken farms, cattle farms, etc., even with heavy and salty water, although it can be used to disinfect places, passages, vehicles. And humans are also very effective and widely used in the input and output sources.

Saler Company Information

Company : Kimiasazan Faraz
Phone : 00982644697540
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Electrofan Faraz

Faraz Double Electro Fan is an innovative engineering initiative that was designed and built in the research department of Faraz Company. The design of this fan is such that by injecting water or any other medium into its central part, which is guided by openings due to centrifugal force into the primary blades which are protected by a ring. While producing wind, these blades turn the incoming liquid into small particles and mist and throw it towards the front of the fan. The main vanes that start from the first ring are protected by the second ring and by producing a large volume of wind while protecting the fall of particles produced by the primary vanes as a powerful wind guard, it causes these particles to evaporate and creates maximum cooling. . This device can be used to ventilate and cool and provide intelligent humidity in large places such as greenhouses, large halls, factories, chicken farms, cattle farms, etc., even with heavy and salty water, although it can be used to disinfect places, passages, vehicles. And humans are also very effective and widely used in the input and output sources.

Saler Company Information

Company : Kimiasazan Faraz
Phone : 00982644697540
More Information : View
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