Aggromet model 5
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Aggromet model 5

Agromet 5 is the latest and most complete protective tillage phenomenon produced by Sazeh Kasht Bukan Company, which can be pulled by 4-cylinder tractors with 75 horsepower such as the Massey Ferguson tractor (ITM 285) and has spring-loaded rock protection safety systems. It also has stone protection springs on the machine stems and concentric discs. The stems have very resistant chisel blades and cutting fins, with a cutting angle and excellent penetration in the soil. These advantages, as well as the working width of 2 meters in the Agromet 5 model by a 4-cylinder tractor with a suitable speed of 6 to 9 kilometers per hour, are phenomenal. It is new and excellent in the field of conservation tillage in the country, which has solved the big problem of dear farmers who have tractors with low horse power, so that they can benefit from the valuable benefits of conservation tillage in water shortage conditions.

Saler Company Information

Company : Sazeh Kesht Kaveh Bukan
Phone : 00984446231879
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Aggromet model 5

Agromet 5 is the latest and most complete protective tillage phenomenon produced by Sazeh Kasht Bukan Company, which can be pulled by 4-cylinder tractors with 75 horsepower such as the Massey Ferguson tractor (ITM 285) and has spring-loaded rock protection safety systems. It also has stone protection springs on the machine stems and concentric discs. The stems have very resistant chisel blades and cutting fins, with a cutting angle and excellent penetration in the soil. These advantages, as well as the working width of 2 meters in the Agromet 5 model by a 4-cylinder tractor with a suitable speed of 6 to 9 kilometers per hour, are phenomenal. It is new and excellent in the field of conservation tillage in the country, which has solved the big problem of dear farmers who have tractors with low horse power, so that they can benefit from the valuable benefits of conservation tillage in water shortage conditions.

Saler Company Information

Company : Sazeh Kesht Kaveh Bukan
Phone : 00984446231879
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