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Human activities require ever-increasing resources, among which water is the most important. Modern agriculture now accounts for more than two-thirds of the water pumped around the world. For this reason, many people think about preserving and maintaining this important resource.
Aquasorb is a preservative and water storage material, and when it is added to the soil or any type of plant breeding substrate, Aquasorb is able to absorb a very high amount of water and minerals and store it for a long time, and as a result, this polymer due to The existence of absorption and release cycle can make water and minerals available to plants when needed.
Advantages of Aquazorb:
Aquazorb increases the water holding capacity in the soil for several years. Also, Aquazorb can reduce water consumption or watering frequency by 50%.
Aquazorb, while reducing the wastage of water, prevents the washing of fertilizers and nutrients in the soil.
Aquasorb reduces the amount of water evaporation from the soil surface.
Aquasorb improves the physical properties of heavy soils through proper aeration.
Aquazorb accelerates the growth of plants because water and nutrients are always available to the plant and near the roots for absorption.

Saler Company Information

Company : Boshra Amin
Mobile : 00989125499334
Phone : 00982188452778
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Human activities require ever-increasing resources, among which water is the most important. Modern agriculture now accounts for more than two-thirds of the water pumped around the world. For this reason, many people think about preserving and maintaining this important resource.
Aquasorb is a preservative and water storage material, and when it is added to the soil or any type of plant breeding substrate, Aquasorb is able to absorb a very high amount of water and minerals and store it for a long time, and as a result, this polymer due to The existence of absorption and release cycle can make water and minerals available to plants when needed.
Advantages of Aquazorb:
Aquazorb increases the water holding capacity in the soil for several years. Also, Aquazorb can reduce water consumption or watering frequency by 50%.
Aquazorb, while reducing the wastage of water, prevents the washing of fertilizers and nutrients in the soil.
Aquasorb reduces the amount of water evaporation from the soil surface.
Aquasorb improves the physical properties of heavy soils through proper aeration.
Aquazorb accelerates the growth of plants because water and nutrients are always available to the plant and near the roots for absorption.

Saler Company Information

Company : Boshra Amin
Mobile : 00989125499334
Phone : 00982188452778
More Information : View
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