Breeding fish in Caspian Sea cages
Breeding fish in Caspian Sea cages
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Breeding fish in Caspian Sea cages

In recent years, according to the recommendations of the Supreme Leader, Iran's fisheries officials have put on their agenda the breeding of various types of sturgeon and Caspian salmon, sea carp and trout in sea cages, and during the past 4 years, they have been breeding these fish in numerous cages. In the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf and the waters behind the dam, it has been carried out by the private and public sector. The purpose of implementing these projects is to make optimal use of water resources and the potential talents of seas and dams and to increase the quantity and quality of fish production in the country.
Fish breeding in cages is being done in other countries, including European countries. This breeding method has been implemented in various ways and in alternating cages to breed all kinds of fish, especially salmon and salmon.

The General Directorate of Fisheries of Mazandaran province in Mahmoodabad city has provided the production of 7000 tons of various species of sturgeon, sea salmon, sea carp and trout by designing 2 colonies covering 14 farms of 500 tons. Foreign markets will also create a significant number of jobs. It is not a secret that fish grown in the sea is better than fish grown in fresh water both in terms of taste and quality.
In line with this important program, the officials of Lezir Agriculture and Industry Complex have put the cultivation of 500 tons of the above species on their agenda by taking over farm number 12 in the colony of East Mahmoodabad, and in the near future by equipping and setting up cages The marine will breed fish in cages.
In technical and specialized planning, we can grow the desired types of fish, especially sturgeon species, elephant fish, ozone boron, as well as sea carp and salmon in sea cages, both in higher quality and in direct supply of fish to the consumer. Indeed, we will have a significant contribution in raising and providing food for our compatriots, as well as job creation and entrepreneurship, and in addition, by extracting caviar and exporting it to the target countries, we will also earn currency for our dear country.

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Company : LAZIR Farming and Industrial Holding
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Breeding fish in Caspian Sea cages

In recent years, according to the recommendations of the Supreme Leader, Iran's fisheries officials have put on their agenda the breeding of various types of sturgeon and Caspian salmon, sea carp and trout in sea cages, and during the past 4 years, they have been breeding these fish in numerous cages. In the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf and the waters behind the dam, it has been carried out by the private and public sector. The purpose of implementing these projects is to make optimal use of water resources and the potential talents of seas and dams and to increase the quantity and quality of fish production in the country.
Fish breeding in cages is being done in other countries, including European countries. This breeding method has been implemented in various ways and in alternating cages to breed all kinds of fish, especially salmon and salmon.

The General Directorate of Fisheries of Mazandaran province in Mahmoodabad city has provided the production of 7000 tons of various species of sturgeon, sea salmon, sea carp and trout by designing 2 colonies covering 14 farms of 500 tons. Foreign markets will also create a significant number of jobs. It is not a secret that fish grown in the sea is better than fish grown in fresh water both in terms of taste and quality.
In line with this important program, the officials of Lezir Agriculture and Industry Complex have put the cultivation of 500 tons of the above species on their agenda by taking over farm number 12 in the colony of East Mahmoodabad, and in the near future by equipping and setting up cages The marine will breed fish in cages.
In technical and specialized planning, we can grow the desired types of fish, especially sturgeon species, elephant fish, ozone boron, as well as sea carp and salmon in sea cages, both in higher quality and in direct supply of fish to the consumer. Indeed, we will have a significant contribution in raising and providing food for our compatriots, as well as job creation and entrepreneurship, and in addition, by extracting caviar and exporting it to the target countries, we will also earn currency for our dear country.

Saler Company Information

Company : LAZIR Farming and Industrial Holding
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