Common Carp
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Common Carp

Common carp with the scientific name Cyprinus carpio is a freshwater fish and one of the main, and the oldest and most popular breeding species to meet the well-known nutritional needs of the world, especially in the Far East and Asia including Iran and some European countries, so that a high percentage of the fishery needs of some European countries are provided by this species.

This freshwater fish is omnivorous and feeds on everything it can find and feeds on all kinds of food, including small-bed creatures, baby insects, fish eggs, worms, dead carcasses, crustaceans, animal and plant fertilizers and sometimes even larvae and leftover of other water organisms. In addition, today’s growers use auxiliary foods such as flour and wheat bran, fish meal, rice bran, and so on.

Common carp can alter the ecological properties of aquatic systems and is therefore referred to as the ecological engine. This benthic fish, by moving deeper, combines nutrients from the floor and releases them from the sediments of the pool floor. The fertility of freshwater systems is often reduced by a lack of soluble phosphorus, which is a restrictive nutrient used and mainly consumed by phytoplankton. Common carp releases this element from the sediments of the pond into the water, causing phytoplankton to grow and flourish, resulting in more fish growth.

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Company : LAZIR Farming and Industrial Holding
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Common Carp

Common carp with the scientific name Cyprinus carpio is a freshwater fish and one of the main, and the oldest and most popular breeding species to meet the well-known nutritional needs of the world, especially in the Far East and Asia including Iran and some European countries, so that a high percentage of the fishery needs of some European countries are provided by this species.

This freshwater fish is omnivorous and feeds on everything it can find and feeds on all kinds of food, including small-bed creatures, baby insects, fish eggs, worms, dead carcasses, crustaceans, animal and plant fertilizers and sometimes even larvae and leftover of other water organisms. In addition, today’s growers use auxiliary foods such as flour and wheat bran, fish meal, rice bran, and so on.

Common carp can alter the ecological properties of aquatic systems and is therefore referred to as the ecological engine. This benthic fish, by moving deeper, combines nutrients from the floor and releases them from the sediments of the pool floor. The fertility of freshwater systems is often reduced by a lack of soluble phosphorus, which is a restrictive nutrient used and mainly consumed by phytoplankton. Common carp releases this element from the sediments of the pond into the water, causing phytoplankton to grow and flourish, resulting in more fish growth.

Saler Company Information

Company : LAZIR Farming and Industrial Holding
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