dried fig
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dried fig

Dried figs have high nutritional and medical value and are a good source of potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus and rich in vitamins A, B and C, as well as a rich source of dietary fiber. This heavenly fruit is fortifying and invigorating and is the best food for the recovery of people who have weak bones due to a long illness. Dried figs with a high amount of sugar are suitable food for athletes. The properties of figs are not limited to its fruit and include the properties of its leaves, stem and juice. Figs are rich in dietary fiber. Lignin is a type of insoluble dietary fiber that is present in large amounts in figs and plays a major role in preventing and relieving constipation. On the other hand, foods containing fiber play an effective and useful role in weight management and control.

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Company : Khoshkbar Noruz
Phone : 00982188474921
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dried fig

Dried figs have high nutritional and medical value and are a good source of potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus and rich in vitamins A, B and C, as well as a rich source of dietary fiber. This heavenly fruit is fortifying and invigorating and is the best food for the recovery of people who have weak bones due to a long illness. Dried figs with a high amount of sugar are suitable food for athletes. The properties of figs are not limited to its fruit and include the properties of its leaves, stem and juice. Figs are rich in dietary fiber. Lignin is a type of insoluble dietary fiber that is present in large amounts in figs and plays a major role in preventing and relieving constipation. On the other hand, foods containing fiber play an effective and useful role in weight management and control.

Saler Company Information

Company : Khoshkbar Noruz
Phone : 00982188474921
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