Hospital Elevator
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Hospital Elevator

LEHY - IIB Flatbed Lift

One of the masterpieces of the elevator industry (no doubt) is the LEHY-IIB lift designed specifically for flat elevators in hospitals.

The design of this lift, in addition to its admirable decoration, has also been considered for its high quality and efficiency. The three main techniques of this lift are as follows:

1- Gearbox (without gearbox):

No-tire pull-out technology (PM) uses variable-frequency variable-speed magnetism motors (PMSM) motors for motorbikes, such as: Reducing noise caused by 10-dB gearboxes and eliminating vibration and shaking. In the lifts of the previous generation.

2. VVVF Round Control System:

Speed ​​regulation technology (VVVF) is an effective factor in eliminating shocks caused by the initial stop and movement, the movement of the motor, the gradual increase and decrease of the elevator speed and the reduction of energy consumption by about 30 to 50%.

3. Saving on the dimensions of the elevator engine room:

Increased productivity in space (up to 30% compared to gearbox elevators) High accuracy and high efficiency (8192 pc), including the benefits of motorized girder.

In addition to the above benefits, these lifts also have unique capabilities.

One of the benefits of this technology is the power take-off, microprocessor data transmission control technology, intelligent door control technology, A1 control management technology, high-speed elevator technology.

The production of these elevators (in order to guarantee its quality) is based on advanced international machinery such as laser drill robots, construction of metal plate fasteners on the assembly line and a high precision digital control device.

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Company : Novin Balabar
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Hospital Elevator

LEHY - IIB Flatbed Lift

One of the masterpieces of the elevator industry (no doubt) is the LEHY-IIB lift designed specifically for flat elevators in hospitals.

The design of this lift, in addition to its admirable decoration, has also been considered for its high quality and efficiency. The three main techniques of this lift are as follows:

1- Gearbox (without gearbox):

No-tire pull-out technology (PM) uses variable-frequency variable-speed magnetism motors (PMSM) motors for motorbikes, such as: Reducing noise caused by 10-dB gearboxes and eliminating vibration and shaking. In the lifts of the previous generation.

2. VVVF Round Control System:

Speed ​​regulation technology (VVVF) is an effective factor in eliminating shocks caused by the initial stop and movement, the movement of the motor, the gradual increase and decrease of the elevator speed and the reduction of energy consumption by about 30 to 50%.

3. Saving on the dimensions of the elevator engine room:

Increased productivity in space (up to 30% compared to gearbox elevators) High accuracy and high efficiency (8192 pc), including the benefits of motorized girder.

In addition to the above benefits, these lifts also have unique capabilities.

One of the benefits of this technology is the power take-off, microprocessor data transmission control technology, intelligent door control technology, A1 control management technology, high-speed elevator technology.

The production of these elevators (in order to guarantee its quality) is based on advanced international machinery such as laser drill robots, construction of metal plate fasteners on the assembly line and a high precision digital control device.

Saler Company Information

Company : Novin Balabar
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