1.5 liters of drinking water
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1.5 liters of drinking water

On hot summer days, when traveling or on picnics and outdoors, access to purified and safe water becomes difficult and sometimes impossible; For this purpose, Shamshad Noosh has produced drinking water in volumes of 0.5 and 1.5 liters
Product properties

This colorless drink is one of the most essential needs of the body on which human life depends and without which it is not possible to continue living. In other words, water is also known as the source of life because it takes up about 55 to 75% of the volume of the human body. This drink has many properties such as increasing brain function, preventing many diseases such as cancer, arthritis and heart disease, weight loss, clear skin and preventing tooth decay. Other properties of this drink include transporting nutrients and oxygen to the body cells, reducing dizziness and headaches, regulating electrolytes in the body including sodium and potassium, preventing skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, dryness, wrinkles and .... کرد.

Water retains moisture in the body and acts as a radiator for the body, which helps us more in the hot seasons. Warm seasons Due to high temperatures, the body has to lose a lot of water to maintain its temperature, and if the amount of water needed by the body is reduced, it can cause heatstroke. In the event of heatstroke, the only thing that can improve it is water, which in the absence of water, can be used with beverages with plenty of water. Consumption of water after exercise is very important and the amount of water you lose during exercise should be compensated.

Saler Company Information

Company : Iran Golab
Mobile : 00989121118526
Phone : 00982188674081
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1.5 liters of drinking water

On hot summer days, when traveling or on picnics and outdoors, access to purified and safe water becomes difficult and sometimes impossible; For this purpose, Shamshad Noosh has produced drinking water in volumes of 0.5 and 1.5 liters
Product properties

This colorless drink is one of the most essential needs of the body on which human life depends and without which it is not possible to continue living. In other words, water is also known as the source of life because it takes up about 55 to 75% of the volume of the human body. This drink has many properties such as increasing brain function, preventing many diseases such as cancer, arthritis and heart disease, weight loss, clear skin and preventing tooth decay. Other properties of this drink include transporting nutrients and oxygen to the body cells, reducing dizziness and headaches, regulating electrolytes in the body including sodium and potassium, preventing skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, dryness, wrinkles and .... کرد.

Water retains moisture in the body and acts as a radiator for the body, which helps us more in the hot seasons. Warm seasons Due to high temperatures, the body has to lose a lot of water to maintain its temperature, and if the amount of water needed by the body is reduced, it can cause heatstroke. In the event of heatstroke, the only thing that can improve it is water, which in the absence of water, can be used with beverages with plenty of water. Consumption of water after exercise is very important and the amount of water you lose during exercise should be compensated.

Saler Company Information

Company : Iran Golab
Mobile : 00989121118526
Phone : 00982188674081
More Information : View
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