Reciprocating Compressors
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Reciprocating Compressors

The piston compressors are pushed by the mechanism and the piston returns inside the cylinder through the valves into the cylinder and injected into the main reservoir. This air is compressed into the reservoir at a pressure of 8 to 10 times and after filling the reservoir Storing compressed air and reaching the pressure of 8 bar is provided by the electromotor shutdown command switch that drives the cylinders and the pressure drop due to the use of compressed air inside the reservoir is not generated, the electromotor will not turn on again. In this system, the tanks have a capacity of 250 liters with a tolerance of 12 bar and have a pressure of 350 liters and 3000 liters of a pressure of 16 bar. The volume produced in compressed air compressors is of a piston type between 65 and 78 dB. Compressed air compressor tanks have two vertical or static horizontal or sleeper types, which can be supplied depending on the buyer's request.

Saler Company Information

Company : Famco
Phone : 0982133113377
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Reciprocating Compressors

The piston compressors are pushed by the mechanism and the piston returns inside the cylinder through the valves into the cylinder and injected into the main reservoir. This air is compressed into the reservoir at a pressure of 8 to 10 times and after filling the reservoir Storing compressed air and reaching the pressure of 8 bar is provided by the electromotor shutdown command switch that drives the cylinders and the pressure drop due to the use of compressed air inside the reservoir is not generated, the electromotor will not turn on again. In this system, the tanks have a capacity of 250 liters with a tolerance of 12 bar and have a pressure of 350 liters and 3000 liters of a pressure of 16 bar. The volume produced in compressed air compressors is of a piston type between 65 and 78 dB. Compressed air compressor tanks have two vertical or static horizontal or sleeper types, which can be supplied depending on the buyer's request.

Saler Company Information

Company : Famco
Phone : 0982133113377
More Information : View
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