Screw Compressors
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Screw Compressors

Screw compressors are a component of positive displacement compressors in which the operation is performed between two screw rotors. The rotors are called "male" and "female". The rotor has a convex lobe and a rotor with a concave shape.

In the suction stage, the gas enters the concave space of the snail and fills it. In the condensation stage, the rotor portion of the rotor conveys the space of the rotor and, by reducing the volume of gas accumulated in it, increases the gas pressure. When the gas pressure is slightly increased, gas pressure is lowered to the exhaust pipe and the gas is discharged. The repetitive density action of this process takes on a continuous form during the period of scratches.

Screw compressors are divided into "Oil Free" and "Lubricated" lubricants. The controversy in the design of these two compressors is to a degree that can even be considered in two separate categories. The work pressure is basically low in this type of compressor and is often not more than 15 times higher. Of course, the specific designs of these compressors, which are multi-stage, are capable of operating at higher pressures, for example 40 times. These compressors are used dry or lubricated.

Compared to the periodic piston compressors, this type of compressor has a lower dimension and weight, and its efficiency is higher due to the absence of the valve; instead, the speed is very high and the lubrication system is one of the disadvantages of spiral compressors.

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Company : Famco
Phone : 0982133113377
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Screw Compressors

Screw compressors are a component of positive displacement compressors in which the operation is performed between two screw rotors. The rotors are called "male" and "female". The rotor has a convex lobe and a rotor with a concave shape.

In the suction stage, the gas enters the concave space of the snail and fills it. In the condensation stage, the rotor portion of the rotor conveys the space of the rotor and, by reducing the volume of gas accumulated in it, increases the gas pressure. When the gas pressure is slightly increased, gas pressure is lowered to the exhaust pipe and the gas is discharged. The repetitive density action of this process takes on a continuous form during the period of scratches.

Screw compressors are divided into "Oil Free" and "Lubricated" lubricants. The controversy in the design of these two compressors is to a degree that can even be considered in two separate categories. The work pressure is basically low in this type of compressor and is often not more than 15 times higher. Of course, the specific designs of these compressors, which are multi-stage, are capable of operating at higher pressures, for example 40 times. These compressors are used dry or lubricated.

Compared to the periodic piston compressors, this type of compressor has a lower dimension and weight, and its efficiency is higher due to the absence of the valve; instead, the speed is very high and the lubrication system is one of the disadvantages of spiral compressors.

Saler Company Information

Company : Famco
Phone : 0982133113377
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