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In packages of 450, 700 and 900 grams
Quantity per carton: 12 packs
Chickpea is an annual plant from the legume family whose plant height reaches about 30 centimeters. The pea fruit is in the form of a niam and its pod is small, swollen and has a sharp tip, 2 to 3 cm long, in which there is a pea-colored or black pea seed.
Chickpea is one of the nutritious and energy-generating legumes.
Chemical compounds and benefits:
Peas have a very small amount of arsenic, oxalic acid, acetic acid, malic acid and trace minerals such as boron, lithium and copper. In addition, this seed contains substances such as lecithin, galactan, sucrose, dextrose and cellulose.
Peas are a very good food due to the presence of various amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Also, like other legumes, it is high in fiber. Soluble fiber cleanses the digestive system. This type of fiber reduces blood glucose and cholesterol. It also reduces the need for insulin in diabetics. Among the food groups; Chickpeas, lentils and peas provide enough protein, calcium and iron to meet the body's needs.

• Chickpeas strengthen the heart and are effective in relieving acute and chronic constipation. It also strengthens skeletal muscles, and for this reason, it is recommended for athletes.
• Peas have anti-cough and cold properties. This food strengthens the body's immune system, so it is also recommended for people with autoimmune diseases such as MS.
• Peas destroy intestinal parasites, relieve chest pain and shortness of breath, strengthen hair roots, and are effective for treating jaundice, treating kidney pain, and increasing memory.
• Peas are very beneficial for treating osteoporosis due to having rich sources of calcium, and its consumption is recommended during the growth of bones and teeth.
• If chickpeas are combined with honey and made into an ointment, it will be useful as a wound healer.
Properties of chickpea juice
• Eating boiled chickpea juice with a little salt is useful for opening cramps, diuretic and for chest pain and lung ulcers.
• Eating soaked chickpea water is useful for reducing swelling of the gums and relieving toothache.

Saler Company Information

Company : Shahsavand
Phone : 00985135412170
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In packages of 450, 700 and 900 grams
Quantity per carton: 12 packs
Chickpea is an annual plant from the legume family whose plant height reaches about 30 centimeters. The pea fruit is in the form of a niam and its pod is small, swollen and has a sharp tip, 2 to 3 cm long, in which there is a pea-colored or black pea seed.
Chickpea is one of the nutritious and energy-generating legumes.
Chemical compounds and benefits:
Peas have a very small amount of arsenic, oxalic acid, acetic acid, malic acid and trace minerals such as boron, lithium and copper. In addition, this seed contains substances such as lecithin, galactan, sucrose, dextrose and cellulose.
Peas are a very good food due to the presence of various amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Also, like other legumes, it is high in fiber. Soluble fiber cleanses the digestive system. This type of fiber reduces blood glucose and cholesterol. It also reduces the need for insulin in diabetics. Among the food groups; Chickpeas, lentils and peas provide enough protein, calcium and iron to meet the body's needs.

• Chickpeas strengthen the heart and are effective in relieving acute and chronic constipation. It also strengthens skeletal muscles, and for this reason, it is recommended for athletes.
• Peas have anti-cough and cold properties. This food strengthens the body's immune system, so it is also recommended for people with autoimmune diseases such as MS.
• Peas destroy intestinal parasites, relieve chest pain and shortness of breath, strengthen hair roots, and are effective for treating jaundice, treating kidney pain, and increasing memory.
• Peas are very beneficial for treating osteoporosis due to having rich sources of calcium, and its consumption is recommended during the growth of bones and teeth.
• If chickpeas are combined with honey and made into an ointment, it will be useful as a wound healer.
Properties of chickpea juice
• Eating boiled chickpea juice with a little salt is useful for opening cramps, diuretic and for chest pain and lung ulcers.
• Eating soaked chickpea water is useful for reducing swelling of the gums and relieving toothache.

Saler Company Information

Company : Shahsavand
Phone : 00985135412170
More Information : View
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