Claret Hearing Aid
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Claret Hearing Aid

Human voice is one of the most sophisticated voices, and our life focuses on our ability to communicate with one another. The ability to hear and understand what others say is at the heart of these communications. Cessna's offer for you is a 100% digital Claret hearing aid that brings the sound accurately to your ear. The digital technology used in this series of hearing aids is found only in programmable hearing aids. However, it is not necessary to use computers and cables to adjust this product range.

Some features of Claret hearing aids


This feature takes millions of digital calculations in one second. While many other hearing aids suffer from lack of ability and understanding, claret has come up with it well.

This feature pays attention to the sounds that need to be heard louder and more, and thus increase sharp clarity and successfully isolate the voice from other voices.


The feedback control will increase your patient's confidence and will eliminate his fear and embarrassment. Most hearing aids have the same opinion that their hearing aids are heard by a whistle. The automatic feedback removal system will follow the feedbacks and destroy them.


For people with hearing difficulties, finding out conversations in others in a busy environment can be a big challenge. Directional microphones are an effective way to improve speech intelligence from expressing other environmental noise. In the claret hearing aid, it is possible for the user to change the mode from the OMN mode (hearing the sound in normal mode and without noise) to the directional finder (in crowded and full of noise) and in this case two microphones They use the door.

Telephone Friendly

Enjoy joining friends and family in long distance conversations. Claret hearing aids are a phone-specific auto-mater feature

When a typical cellphone or phone comes near you, it switches to the mode. There's no need to set your fingertips every time the phone rings, it's done automatically. This maximizes the volume flow and eliminates noise in the environment, making sure that you have not lost any sound. There is also a standard push button.

Enhanced Taper Control

This system allows you to adjust the sound more easily, eliminating sudden fluctuations. Using this feature, patients will have the confidence to sound their hearing aids without worrying that the volume is too high and they become confused by noise.

Multi memory

Look at this feature, as if some of the hearing aids are in the same earphone. By pressing the button, the program mode changes easily with the wind blowing. The claret hearing aid memory is primarily based on features such as quality clarity, speech sound, noise reduction, coil telephone and directional microphones, so that these features are sought after by multiple memory.

Claret's unique capabilities

1. Highly robust, high performance design

2. All digital 100% digital

3. Has 2 channels of digital programming and 12 bands

4. Supports 132/70 132/60 132/50 hearing aid

5. Trimmer Avalible, Low cut, High cut, GCO HF, LF, Out Put

6. Has a noiseless speech enhancement system with a clear, high quality Dynamic Speech Enhancement (DSE)

7. Speech clarity system by reducing low-noise speech Speech Expansion

8. Equipped with advanced Adaptive Feedback Cancellation-AFC feedback removal system without loss of hearing aid.

9. Has 3 programmable memory for user comfort in various audio environments

10. Hearing aids start to prevent feedback from hearing aid on the ear. Power On Delay 3sec

11. Early warning system for hearing aids

12. Warning system when changing memory with adjustable power and frequency

13. Water-resistant and water-resistant shell

14. Has manual control volume to change the sound of the hearing aid by user VC-Manual

15. Enhanced taper control ETC for VC or SSVC

16. Comes with Ziptips ready templates "and custom hard and soft templates

17. Equipped with Tele.Coil Traffic Coil Adjustable to make it clearer and easier to use by phone

18. Equipped with Optional battery lock

19. Maximum output 140 dB

20. Interest 80 dB (REAG

21. Suitable for mild to deep mild to profound hearing loss

22. Frequency response 8000-100; Broadband broadband with the best sound quality

23. Create a 3d image with 3D Lazerveyor laser digital shell process

24. Has a direct microphone

Saler Company Information

Company : Yekta Tajhiz Alborz
Mobile : 00989378361190
Phone : 00982188919400
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Claret Hearing Aid

Human voice is one of the most sophisticated voices, and our life focuses on our ability to communicate with one another. The ability to hear and understand what others say is at the heart of these communications. Cessna's offer for you is a 100% digital Claret hearing aid that brings the sound accurately to your ear. The digital technology used in this series of hearing aids is found only in programmable hearing aids. However, it is not necessary to use computers and cables to adjust this product range.

Some features of Claret hearing aids


This feature takes millions of digital calculations in one second. While many other hearing aids suffer from lack of ability and understanding, claret has come up with it well.

This feature pays attention to the sounds that need to be heard louder and more, and thus increase sharp clarity and successfully isolate the voice from other voices.


The feedback control will increase your patient's confidence and will eliminate his fear and embarrassment. Most hearing aids have the same opinion that their hearing aids are heard by a whistle. The automatic feedback removal system will follow the feedbacks and destroy them.


For people with hearing difficulties, finding out conversations in others in a busy environment can be a big challenge. Directional microphones are an effective way to improve speech intelligence from expressing other environmental noise. In the claret hearing aid, it is possible for the user to change the mode from the OMN mode (hearing the sound in normal mode and without noise) to the directional finder (in crowded and full of noise) and in this case two microphones They use the door.

Telephone Friendly

Enjoy joining friends and family in long distance conversations. Claret hearing aids are a phone-specific auto-mater feature

When a typical cellphone or phone comes near you, it switches to the mode. There's no need to set your fingertips every time the phone rings, it's done automatically. This maximizes the volume flow and eliminates noise in the environment, making sure that you have not lost any sound. There is also a standard push button.

Enhanced Taper Control

This system allows you to adjust the sound more easily, eliminating sudden fluctuations. Using this feature, patients will have the confidence to sound their hearing aids without worrying that the volume is too high and they become confused by noise.

Multi memory

Look at this feature, as if some of the hearing aids are in the same earphone. By pressing the button, the program mode changes easily with the wind blowing. The claret hearing aid memory is primarily based on features such as quality clarity, speech sound, noise reduction, coil telephone and directional microphones, so that these features are sought after by multiple memory.

Claret's unique capabilities

1. Highly robust, high performance design

2. All digital 100% digital

3. Has 2 channels of digital programming and 12 bands

4. Supports 132/70 132/60 132/50 hearing aid

5. Trimmer Avalible, Low cut, High cut, GCO HF, LF, Out Put

6. Has a noiseless speech enhancement system with a clear, high quality Dynamic Speech Enhancement (DSE)

7. Speech clarity system by reducing low-noise speech Speech Expansion

8. Equipped with advanced Adaptive Feedback Cancellation-AFC feedback removal system without loss of hearing aid.

9. Has 3 programmable memory for user comfort in various audio environments

10. Hearing aids start to prevent feedback from hearing aid on the ear. Power On Delay 3sec

11. Early warning system for hearing aids

12. Warning system when changing memory with adjustable power and frequency

13. Water-resistant and water-resistant shell

14. Has manual control volume to change the sound of the hearing aid by user VC-Manual

15. Enhanced taper control ETC for VC or SSVC

16. Comes with Ziptips ready templates "and custom hard and soft templates

17. Equipped with Tele.Coil Traffic Coil Adjustable to make it clearer and easier to use by phone

18. Equipped with Optional battery lock

19. Maximum output 140 dB

20. Interest 80 dB (REAG

21. Suitable for mild to deep mild to profound hearing loss

22. Frequency response 8000-100; Broadband broadband with the best sound quality

23. Create a 3d image with 3D Lazerveyor laser digital shell process

24. Has a direct microphone

Saler Company Information

Company : Yekta Tajhiz Alborz
Mobile : 00989378361190
Phone : 00982188919400
More Information : View
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