Large 150 gram cinnamon pat is useful
Large 150 gram cinnamon pat is useful
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Large 150 gram cinnamon pat is useful

Persian name: Cinnamon
Arabic name: Al Qerfa
English name: Cinnamon
Nature: Warm
Growing place: Sri Lanka, India, China and Vietnam
Health benefits:
1- Eat it. Bacillus pertussis destroys whooping cough, relieves wet leg pains and wet joint pains, stimulates blood flow, is carminative, tonic and soothing, is useful for post-partum discomforts, increases most body secretions, It softens and unclogs blockages and ducts, it absorbs moisture and absorbs excess moisture and moisture mixture of the body and eliminates the infection, it is an antidote to animal, vegetable and mineral poisons, it is invigorating and tonic. It is useful for the treatment of suffocation, obsession, panic, madness, liver and istisqah, it is effective for removing the violence of the voice and singing that is thick with phlegm, and it cleans the chest and larynx.
2- Every morning on an empty stomach, put a little ground cinnamon in your mouth and eat it. It is an astringent, appetite stimulant, memory booster, stomach ache and indigestion antidote, kidney pain reliever, old and chronic cough.
3- Those who live in humid places, or people who travel from low humidity cities to humid areas, as well as those whose jobs are in water, or those who are imprisoned in penitentiaries, and those who live in rooms with their backs to the sun. live, it is better to brew four times of chopped cinnamon for half an hour every day and add one time of ginger powder and some candy to it before removing it from the fire and eat it instead of tea.
4- Boil its pounded and make a syrup with filtered water and drink it gradually. It is astringent, relieves uterine pain, anthelmintic, improves heart weakness. An 5
- Eat it with egg yolk for three consecutive days. It is tonic and fattening. Drink its boiled water with vinegar and mastic. Humidification is beneficial for hiccups.
7. If you chew cinnamon well in your mouth during intercourse and mix it with saliva and apply the saliva on the penis, it will make intercourse more pleasant.
Note: It causes headaches in hot-tempered people, it is harmful for the bladder, it is not advisable for those who have kidney problems that are accompanied by kidney heat, it also causes abortion.

Saler Company Information

Company : Mofid Food industry
Mobile : 0098913325176
Phone : 00983132302097
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Large 150 gram cinnamon pat is useful

Persian name: Cinnamon
Arabic name: Al Qerfa
English name: Cinnamon
Nature: Warm
Growing place: Sri Lanka, India, China and Vietnam
Health benefits:
1- Eat it. Bacillus pertussis destroys whooping cough, relieves wet leg pains and wet joint pains, stimulates blood flow, is carminative, tonic and soothing, is useful for post-partum discomforts, increases most body secretions, It softens and unclogs blockages and ducts, it absorbs moisture and absorbs excess moisture and moisture mixture of the body and eliminates the infection, it is an antidote to animal, vegetable and mineral poisons, it is invigorating and tonic. It is useful for the treatment of suffocation, obsession, panic, madness, liver and istisqah, it is effective for removing the violence of the voice and singing that is thick with phlegm, and it cleans the chest and larynx.
2- Every morning on an empty stomach, put a little ground cinnamon in your mouth and eat it. It is an astringent, appetite stimulant, memory booster, stomach ache and indigestion antidote, kidney pain reliever, old and chronic cough.
3- Those who live in humid places, or people who travel from low humidity cities to humid areas, as well as those whose jobs are in water, or those who are imprisoned in penitentiaries, and those who live in rooms with their backs to the sun. live, it is better to brew four times of chopped cinnamon for half an hour every day and add one time of ginger powder and some candy to it before removing it from the fire and eat it instead of tea.
4- Boil its pounded and make a syrup with filtered water and drink it gradually. It is astringent, relieves uterine pain, anthelmintic, improves heart weakness. An 5
- Eat it with egg yolk for three consecutive days. It is tonic and fattening. Drink its boiled water with vinegar and mastic. Humidification is beneficial for hiccups.
7. If you chew cinnamon well in your mouth during intercourse and mix it with saliva and apply the saliva on the penis, it will make intercourse more pleasant.
Note: It causes headaches in hot-tempered people, it is harmful for the bladder, it is not advisable for those who have kidney problems that are accompanied by kidney heat, it also causes abortion.

Saler Company Information

Company : Mofid Food industry
Mobile : 0098913325176
Phone : 00983132302097
More Information : View
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