Small 80 gram useful thyme powder
Small 80 gram useful thyme powder
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Small 80 gram useful thyme powder

Persian name: Thyme
Arabic name: Al-Saattar
English name: Thyme
Nature: very hot and dry
Growing place: India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran (Khorasan, Persia,...)
Health benefits:
1- It strengthens the stomach, it is useful for strengthening the eyesight.
2- It is useful for treating paralysis and paralysis, removing forgetfulness, treating epilepsy, and strengthening the kidney.
3- Lung infections, persistent coughs, whooping cough, asthma or shortness of breath, colds, bronchitis, colds, angina, headaches caused by nerves or indigestion, and cures severe headaches or migraines, stuttering It relieves the tongue, indigestion and heaviness of the stomach and eggs, heartache and intestinal inflammation, it is a carminative, skin diseases, nerve pain, nervous convulsions or local jump, liver disorders, diarrhea and purulent secretions of urine and menstruation. It cures, it is useful for treating hiccups, urinating drop by drop, crushing bladder stones and relieving uterine pain, it is astringent and tonic, it strengthens the heart, it is an aphrodisiac, it increases intelligence and perception, diuretic, Menstruation, sweat and milk, it opens intestinal cramps, it is useful for dissolving pus and frozen blood caused by vegetable or animal poisons, it is anti-fungal and parasitic, it facilitates the removal of the fetus and placenta, and it is used to treat ringworm. useful. It is useful for curing cold sores, relieving anxiety and relieving sciatica pain.
4- Relieves fatigue, cures your insomnia.
5- Chew it in your mouth. Removes bad breath.
6- It cures Tin's tonsillitis and does not need surgery anymore.
7- Boil it and compress the pain area with its water. Treats limb sprains and muscle stiffness.
8- Apply its thick boiled water on the head. It destroys dandruff and head lice, strengthens the hair bulb and stops its loss.
9- Its suppositories are effective for softening the uterus.
Note: Excessive consumption weakens the heart muscle, creates ringing in the ears and causes dizziness.

Saler Company Information

Company : Mofid Food industry
Mobile : 0098913325176
Phone : 00983132302097
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Small 80 gram useful thyme powder

Persian name: Thyme
Arabic name: Al-Saattar
English name: Thyme
Nature: very hot and dry
Growing place: India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran (Khorasan, Persia,...)
Health benefits:
1- It strengthens the stomach, it is useful for strengthening the eyesight.
2- It is useful for treating paralysis and paralysis, removing forgetfulness, treating epilepsy, and strengthening the kidney.
3- Lung infections, persistent coughs, whooping cough, asthma or shortness of breath, colds, bronchitis, colds, angina, headaches caused by nerves or indigestion, and cures severe headaches or migraines, stuttering It relieves the tongue, indigestion and heaviness of the stomach and eggs, heartache and intestinal inflammation, it is a carminative, skin diseases, nerve pain, nervous convulsions or local jump, liver disorders, diarrhea and purulent secretions of urine and menstruation. It cures, it is useful for treating hiccups, urinating drop by drop, crushing bladder stones and relieving uterine pain, it is astringent and tonic, it strengthens the heart, it is an aphrodisiac, it increases intelligence and perception, diuretic, Menstruation, sweat and milk, it opens intestinal cramps, it is useful for dissolving pus and frozen blood caused by vegetable or animal poisons, it is anti-fungal and parasitic, it facilitates the removal of the fetus and placenta, and it is used to treat ringworm. useful. It is useful for curing cold sores, relieving anxiety and relieving sciatica pain.
4- Relieves fatigue, cures your insomnia.
5- Chew it in your mouth. Removes bad breath.
6- It cures Tin's tonsillitis and does not need surgery anymore.
7- Boil it and compress the pain area with its water. Treats limb sprains and muscle stiffness.
8- Apply its thick boiled water on the head. It destroys dandruff and head lice, strengthens the hair bulb and stops its loss.
9- Its suppositories are effective for softening the uterus.
Note: Excessive consumption weakens the heart muscle, creates ringing in the ears and causes dizziness.

Saler Company Information

Company : Mofid Food industry
Mobile : 0098913325176
Phone : 00983132302097
More Information : View
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