Home Solar Water Heaters
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Home Solar Water Heaters

The collectors of this water heater are type of vacuum glass collectors capable of producing hot water with temperatures between 50 and 70 degrees in winter and 85 to 95 degrees in summer.

The storage tank of this product is made of stainless steel, which is insulated with high-pressure foam, so that the spa produced during the day can be maintained for up to 72 hours, also because of the vacuum in the glass tubes. Winter works without the need for antifreeze and water does not freeze in glass tubes.

Important advantages of this system are its low cost, ease of installation and its beauty.

These systems are low-pressure and low-pressure water heaters mean they cannot be directly applied to the water pressure. Because of the thickness of the tanks, these water heaters as well as collectors do not tolerate city water pressure.

For this purpose, these water heaters are mounted on the highest part (ie roof) so that the water pressure of the tank can be easily used, as well as to increase the water pressure. Special pumps can be used for this purpose. He did.

Saler Company Information

Company : Alborz Solar
Phone : 00982634451608
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Home Solar Water Heaters

The collectors of this water heater are type of vacuum glass collectors capable of producing hot water with temperatures between 50 and 70 degrees in winter and 85 to 95 degrees in summer.

The storage tank of this product is made of stainless steel, which is insulated with high-pressure foam, so that the spa produced during the day can be maintained for up to 72 hours, also because of the vacuum in the glass tubes. Winter works without the need for antifreeze and water does not freeze in glass tubes.

Important advantages of this system are its low cost, ease of installation and its beauty.

These systems are low-pressure and low-pressure water heaters mean they cannot be directly applied to the water pressure. Because of the thickness of the tanks, these water heaters as well as collectors do not tolerate city water pressure.

For this purpose, these water heaters are mounted on the highest part (ie roof) so that the water pressure of the tank can be easily used, as well as to increase the water pressure. Special pumps can be used for this purpose. He did.

Saler Company Information

Company : Alborz Solar
Phone : 00982634451608
More Information : View
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