Helicopter aloe 3
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Helicopter aloe 3

The Alouette III helicopter is a single-engine, multifunctional and lightweight helicopter designed and manufactured by the SA 316B at first in South Aviation South Aviation, and then produced by Aérospatiale France. In 1956, Sud Aviation engineers decided to design a more advanced and optimized Aloe 2 helicopter model. The result was a 7-person helicopter (1 pilot and 6 passengers) on three landing craft with a taxi and stringer capability. The new aircraft was capable of reaching a height of 5,000 meters (in standard conditions and sea level) at an altitude of 50 degrees centigrade with a high reliability. The possibility of a 175kg Hoist lift and relief operation by the ability to fit two stretches in the cabin with the simultaneous supervision of an emergency specialist, made the Helicopter an excellent instrument in relief operations. It also has the ability to carry 740 kg of internal load and 750 kg of Cargo Hook, as well as the logistics capabilities of this device. The flight was originally recorded on February 28, 1959, and three months later, the helicopter landed on a Mon-Blanc peak (peak alpine) with 7 passengers at an altitude of 4150 meters above sea level at -20 degrees Celsius. Come. The 1437 mine and the latest Alveti 3 were produced in 1979 and sold in 1985 for its latest release. General Specifications: Engine Type: Turbocharged Artouste IIIB Model: Turbomeca France Fuel Tank Capacity: 575 liters Fuel Type: Jet A1, Jet A, Jet B, JP-4, JP-5 Capacity: 7 people (1 pilot) 6 passengers or 2 pilots and 5 occupants) Length: 10.03 m Girder disk diameter: 11.02 m Height: 3 m Maximum speed: 210 km / h Flight: 540 hp: Multifunctional including passenger and VIP transport, Cargo Hook, Hoist, Rescue (SAR), Seismic Seismic Operations, Stretcher Handling, Training, Exploration, Tourism, Filming, Mountain Operations, Supervision Airborne, Forestry, Fighting Fire and ...

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Company : helicopteri iran
Phone : 00982188737442
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Helicopter aloe 3

The Alouette III helicopter is a single-engine, multifunctional and lightweight helicopter designed and manufactured by the SA 316B at first in South Aviation South Aviation, and then produced by Aérospatiale France. In 1956, Sud Aviation engineers decided to design a more advanced and optimized Aloe 2 helicopter model. The result was a 7-person helicopter (1 pilot and 6 passengers) on three landing craft with a taxi and stringer capability. The new aircraft was capable of reaching a height of 5,000 meters (in standard conditions and sea level) at an altitude of 50 degrees centigrade with a high reliability. The possibility of a 175kg Hoist lift and relief operation by the ability to fit two stretches in the cabin with the simultaneous supervision of an emergency specialist, made the Helicopter an excellent instrument in relief operations. It also has the ability to carry 740 kg of internal load and 750 kg of Cargo Hook, as well as the logistics capabilities of this device. The flight was originally recorded on February 28, 1959, and three months later, the helicopter landed on a Mon-Blanc peak (peak alpine) with 7 passengers at an altitude of 4150 meters above sea level at -20 degrees Celsius. Come. The 1437 mine and the latest Alveti 3 were produced in 1979 and sold in 1985 for its latest release. General Specifications: Engine Type: Turbocharged Artouste IIIB Model: Turbomeca France Fuel Tank Capacity: 575 liters Fuel Type: Jet A1, Jet A, Jet B, JP-4, JP-5 Capacity: 7 people (1 pilot) 6 passengers or 2 pilots and 5 occupants) Length: 10.03 m Girder disk diameter: 11.02 m Height: 3 m Maximum speed: 210 km / h Flight: 540 hp: Multifunctional including passenger and VIP transport, Cargo Hook, Hoist, Rescue (SAR), Seismic Seismic Operations, Stretcher Handling, Training, Exploration, Tourism, Filming, Mountain Operations, Supervision Airborne, Forestry, Fighting Fire and ...

Saler Company Information

Company : helicopteri iran
Phone : 00982188737442
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