Concrete air percentage determination device
Concrete air percentage determination device
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Concrete air percentage determination device

The percentage of concrete air should be between 1 and 3 percent. If the air exceeds this range, the air in the concrete will reduce the strength, increase permeability and reduce the durability of the concrete. The device is designed to measure the amount of air in the concrete by replacing water instead of confined air in concrete due to wind pressure. This device is made by pressurized aluminum casting percentage of concrete air. In Method A, the percentage of air is read directly from the graduated column 0% - 10%. The set includes a manual pump and a standard rod. In method B, the percentage of air is calibrated from the gauge. Dimensions of this device (H * W * L) = 350 * 350 * 670) and weighs 14 kg.

Saler Company Information

Company : Behrad Sazan Parseh
Mobile : 00989127691364
Phone : 00982128423558
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Concrete air percentage determination device

The percentage of concrete air should be between 1 and 3 percent. If the air exceeds this range, the air in the concrete will reduce the strength, increase permeability and reduce the durability of the concrete. The device is designed to measure the amount of air in the concrete by replacing water instead of confined air in concrete due to wind pressure. This device is made by pressurized aluminum casting percentage of concrete air. In Method A, the percentage of air is read directly from the graduated column 0% - 10%. The set includes a manual pump and a standard rod. In method B, the percentage of air is calibrated from the gauge. Dimensions of this device (H * W * L) = 350 * 350 * 670) and weighs 14 kg.

Saler Company Information

Company : Behrad Sazan Parseh
Mobile : 00989127691364
Phone : 00982128423558
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