Padranj(pack of teapot and glass)
Padranj(pack of teapot and glass)
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Padranj(pack of teapot and glass)

Padranj (teapot and glass pack) is a special gift with a taste of health. This gift contains an important message for your employees. We care about your health.

There is a beautiful Chinese teapot and two cups made by the hands of Yazdi artists in Padranj (teapot and glass package). which comes with a stand for a teapot and a candle warmer.

These products are used to prepare a hot drink. Its function is to maintain health and control blood fat.

This beautiful teapot can be a part of your office or your employees.

In the padranj (teapot and glass package), some sumac powder and some honey sachet are placed in water bottles. To control your fat by brewing sumac and adding honey to it.

Sumac has a unique taste that is usually described as spicy, slightly fruity and slightly lemon-like. and has a distinct taste for foods.

Sumac can have a powerful effect on blood sugar control, heart health, disease prevention and even pain relief. Sumac tea, which has a beautiful red color. It can be prepared using ice and cold tea. When mixed with lemonade, it becomes an excellent source of vitamin C and increases the body's resistance.

Sumac tea is a source of vitamin C. Therefore, it is good and useful for winter diseases such as colds and flu. Sumac tea is considered beneficial for a mixture of asthma problems, shortness of breath, diarrhea, cough, sore throat and infections.

It has been studied to regulate cholesterol levels and treat diabetes by lowering blood sugar.

Honey was used as a sweetener in the 16th century before sugar was available to everyone. Honey production was very prosperous in ancient Greece and Sicily, so that animals like bears would also attack beehives and bear the risk of bee stings at the price of getting a sweet reward.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced honey as a soothing agent that treats a sore throat or mouth by creating a protective layer.

Honey was a common treatment for infection until the beginning of the 20th century, and with the invention of penicillin, its use was gradually forgotten. Now the use of honey in the treatment of wounds has become popular again.

A healthy and complete diet along with proper sleep is the best way to increase energy. But if you are looking for a quick energy source, honey is a good option.

Especially for athletes who are looking for a nutritious food so that they can maintain their physical strength for a longer period of time. Honey is a wonderful food.

The extremely beautiful handmade teapot and cups with the base and warmer of this package can give you the guarantee that you always have hot tea ready to serve at your workplace.

Saler Company Information

Company : Ara Honar Fakher Irani
Mobile : 00989220167904
Phone : 00982188930148
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Padranj(pack of teapot and glass)

Padranj (teapot and glass pack) is a special gift with a taste of health. This gift contains an important message for your employees. We care about your health.

There is a beautiful Chinese teapot and two cups made by the hands of Yazdi artists in Padranj (teapot and glass package). which comes with a stand for a teapot and a candle warmer.

These products are used to prepare a hot drink. Its function is to maintain health and control blood fat.

This beautiful teapot can be a part of your office or your employees.

In the padranj (teapot and glass package), some sumac powder and some honey sachet are placed in water bottles. To control your fat by brewing sumac and adding honey to it.

Sumac has a unique taste that is usually described as spicy, slightly fruity and slightly lemon-like. and has a distinct taste for foods.

Sumac can have a powerful effect on blood sugar control, heart health, disease prevention and even pain relief. Sumac tea, which has a beautiful red color. It can be prepared using ice and cold tea. When mixed with lemonade, it becomes an excellent source of vitamin C and increases the body's resistance.

Sumac tea is a source of vitamin C. Therefore, it is good and useful for winter diseases such as colds and flu. Sumac tea is considered beneficial for a mixture of asthma problems, shortness of breath, diarrhea, cough, sore throat and infections.

It has been studied to regulate cholesterol levels and treat diabetes by lowering blood sugar.

Honey was used as a sweetener in the 16th century before sugar was available to everyone. Honey production was very prosperous in ancient Greece and Sicily, so that animals like bears would also attack beehives and bear the risk of bee stings at the price of getting a sweet reward.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced honey as a soothing agent that treats a sore throat or mouth by creating a protective layer.

Honey was a common treatment for infection until the beginning of the 20th century, and with the invention of penicillin, its use was gradually forgotten. Now the use of honey in the treatment of wounds has become popular again.

A healthy and complete diet along with proper sleep is the best way to increase energy. But if you are looking for a quick energy source, honey is a good option.

Especially for athletes who are looking for a nutritious food so that they can maintain their physical strength for a longer period of time. Honey is a wonderful food.

The extremely beautiful handmade teapot and cups with the base and warmer of this package can give you the guarantee that you always have hot tea ready to serve at your workplace.

Saler Company Information

Company : Ara Honar Fakher Irani
Mobile : 00989220167904
Phone : 00982188930148
More Information : View
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