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Zareer (flask and demnoosh package) is a companion for drinking. In this article, you will get to know Zarir collection and learn about the therapeutic properties of teas.

Herbal Tea; It has opened its place again among the hot drinks of Iranians. We want to celebrate this return with Zarir and bring Demnoosh into your life. We want to give you peace and love with Zarir.

The people of different parts of Iran, according to the characteristics of the weather and the type of plants that grew in different areas, used different teas for reception.

Zarir (Flask and Demnoosh package) is also a package containing different demnoosh. These refreshing drinks are made by brewing flowers, leaves, stems, roots, seeds, fruit skins or other parts of medicinal plants that are soluble in water.

With Zareer (Flask and Tea Pack), we want you to carry a tea with you, and we have done this by placing a tea flask with a leather cover, especially for brewing herbs. You can drink a delicious tea anywhere with Zarir.

Zarir (flask and tea set) contains 2 teas with lemon, mint and Kurdistan honey.
Mint tea

Mint tea is prepared by brewing its leaves. Unlike regular tea, mint tea does not contain caffeine. Therefore, those who have trouble sleeping can eat it before going to bed without worry.

Drinking a cup of peppermint tea can reduce these digestive problems and if you constantly suffer from gas, constipation and bloating, drinking a cup of peppermint tea in the evening can relieve your problems, help with digestion and help you sleep more easily at night. .
to lemon

Lemon is one of the most widely used plants in traditional medicine that can be used in different ways. Fat burning is one of the properties of lemon. Lemon tea increases metabolism and plays an effective role in fat burning.

Joints are sensitive parts of the body. They are very vulnerable and in old age due to old age, they are exposed to many risks. Using lemon is very useful in treating joint pain and healing joint injuries. This effect is also due to the high amount of antioxidants.

Lemon tea makes muscle building happen faster in the body. It is recommended to drink lemon tea before exercising.

Honey was used as a sweetener in the 16th century before sugar was available to everyone. Honey production was very prosperous in ancient Greece and Sicily, so that animals like bears would also attack beehives and bear the risk of bee stings at the price of getting a sweet reward.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced honey as a soothing agent that treats a sore throat or mouth by creating a protective layer.

Honey was a common treatment for infection until the beginning of the 20th century, and with the invention of penicillin, its use was gradually forgotten. Now the use of honey in the treatment of wounds has become popular again. A healthy and whole food diet along with proper sleep is the best way to increase energy, but if you are looking for a quick energy source, honey is a good option. Especially for athletes who are looking for a nutritious food to maintain their physical strength for a longer period of time, honey is a wonderful food.

Saler Company Information

Company : Ara Honar Fakher Irani
Mobile : 00989220167904
Phone : 00982188930148
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Zareer (flask and demnoosh package) is a companion for drinking. In this article, you will get to know Zarir collection and learn about the therapeutic properties of teas.

Herbal Tea; It has opened its place again among the hot drinks of Iranians. We want to celebrate this return with Zarir and bring Demnoosh into your life. We want to give you peace and love with Zarir.

The people of different parts of Iran, according to the characteristics of the weather and the type of plants that grew in different areas, used different teas for reception.

Zarir (Flask and Demnoosh package) is also a package containing different demnoosh. These refreshing drinks are made by brewing flowers, leaves, stems, roots, seeds, fruit skins or other parts of medicinal plants that are soluble in water.

With Zareer (Flask and Tea Pack), we want you to carry a tea with you, and we have done this by placing a tea flask with a leather cover, especially for brewing herbs. You can drink a delicious tea anywhere with Zarir.

Zarir (flask and tea set) contains 2 teas with lemon, mint and Kurdistan honey.
Mint tea

Mint tea is prepared by brewing its leaves. Unlike regular tea, mint tea does not contain caffeine. Therefore, those who have trouble sleeping can eat it before going to bed without worry.

Drinking a cup of peppermint tea can reduce these digestive problems and if you constantly suffer from gas, constipation and bloating, drinking a cup of peppermint tea in the evening can relieve your problems, help with digestion and help you sleep more easily at night. .
to lemon

Lemon is one of the most widely used plants in traditional medicine that can be used in different ways. Fat burning is one of the properties of lemon. Lemon tea increases metabolism and plays an effective role in fat burning.

Joints are sensitive parts of the body. They are very vulnerable and in old age due to old age, they are exposed to many risks. Using lemon is very useful in treating joint pain and healing joint injuries. This effect is also due to the high amount of antioxidants.

Lemon tea makes muscle building happen faster in the body. It is recommended to drink lemon tea before exercising.

Honey was used as a sweetener in the 16th century before sugar was available to everyone. Honey production was very prosperous in ancient Greece and Sicily, so that animals like bears would also attack beehives and bear the risk of bee stings at the price of getting a sweet reward.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced honey as a soothing agent that treats a sore throat or mouth by creating a protective layer.

Honey was a common treatment for infection until the beginning of the 20th century, and with the invention of penicillin, its use was gradually forgotten. Now the use of honey in the treatment of wounds has become popular again. A healthy and whole food diet along with proper sleep is the best way to increase energy, but if you are looking for a quick energy source, honey is a good option. Especially for athletes who are looking for a nutritious food to maintain their physical strength for a longer period of time, honey is a wonderful food.

Saler Company Information

Company : Ara Honar Fakher Irani
Mobile : 00989220167904
Phone : 00982188930148
More Information : View
Online order registration form