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Asa (Ceramic cup and jar set and nerve meter game); It is one of our most diverse collections. This collection is an opportunity to measure the health of the nerves and strengthen it.

In ASA (ceramic cup and jar package and neurometer game), a neurometer is placed next to a glass and a beautiful clay teapot.

The clay mug and teapot inside this package are made by Yazdi artists, and the nerve meter inside this package also gives this package another look and effect.

The glass, teapot and nerve meter are all placed on the wooden figures. In the Asa collection, it has been tried by putting the nerve meter and hand-picked mountain teas from the foothills of the Zagros mountains next to a traditional Iranian glass. To improve and strengthen the brain power of the consumer while measuring it.

A very useful tool for testing the level of concentration in a certain period of time, which controls the nerves and shows the weakness of the nerves and lack of control.

The presence of stress and lack of concentration in this game has no outcome other than failure for the participant. A useful game that will help your mental health and create happy moments with your friends and family gatherings. A game that can sound the horn with every slip of the hand and lack of concentration.
ceramic dishes

"Ceramic" is a material made of clay that has been heated. Ceramics are generally reported to be non-toxic products that are not harmful to human health.

With Asa, you can show off your difference from others. Different and attractive gifts make you different from others and can attract attention to you.

Asa can prove the difference in your giving to others.

Saler Company Information

Company : Ara Honar Fakher Irani
Mobile : 00989220167904
Phone : 00982188930148
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Asa (Ceramic cup and jar set and nerve meter game); It is one of our most diverse collections. This collection is an opportunity to measure the health of the nerves and strengthen it.

In ASA (ceramic cup and jar package and neurometer game), a neurometer is placed next to a glass and a beautiful clay teapot.

The clay mug and teapot inside this package are made by Yazdi artists, and the nerve meter inside this package also gives this package another look and effect.

The glass, teapot and nerve meter are all placed on the wooden figures. In the Asa collection, it has been tried by putting the nerve meter and hand-picked mountain teas from the foothills of the Zagros mountains next to a traditional Iranian glass. To improve and strengthen the brain power of the consumer while measuring it.

A very useful tool for testing the level of concentration in a certain period of time, which controls the nerves and shows the weakness of the nerves and lack of control.

The presence of stress and lack of concentration in this game has no outcome other than failure for the participant. A useful game that will help your mental health and create happy moments with your friends and family gatherings. A game that can sound the horn with every slip of the hand and lack of concentration.
ceramic dishes

"Ceramic" is a material made of clay that has been heated. Ceramics are generally reported to be non-toxic products that are not harmful to human health.

With Asa, you can show off your difference from others. Different and attractive gifts make you different from others and can attract attention to you.

Asa can prove the difference in your giving to others.

Saler Company Information

Company : Ara Honar Fakher Irani
Mobile : 00989220167904
Phone : 00982188930148
More Information : View
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