Avand (copper pot and spoon and pen table)
Avand (copper pot and spoon and pen table)
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Avand (copper pot and spoon and pen table)

Avand (copper pot and spoon and pen table) is a unique and very attractive package from our collection of hospitality gifts. Avand expresses the deep culture of Iranians when eating means throwing the table. In less culture, we encounter table setting while eating.

Avand (copper pot and spoon and penman's table) is the revival of this ancient tradition. If you have a foreign guest and you want him to get acquainted with Iranian culture, be sure to come to our hospitality gifts and gift packages.

Sitting on the ground and eating is very attractive for the people of Farang. They try to learn this tradition in Iran and perform it when they return to their country and tell their friends and acquaintances how Iranians sit around a table and eat.

With Avand (copper pot and spoon and pen table), you can export Iranian culture to the world together with your foreign guests. This package can be an attractive gift for the employees of your company.

A small pot and a copper spoon are placed in this package, which will help you a lot in terms of treatment, which we will mention below about the properties of copper.

The pencil table and under the straw pot, which are made by the people of Isfahan and Dezful, are another part of the package.
Avand (copper pot and spoon and pen table)

In Avand, we have also put six types of spices that are common in Iranian tables so that this collection takes on Iranian taste and color.
Benefits of copper utensils

Many archaeologists believe that copper was the first metal discovered and used by humans. They believe that humans got acquainted with this metal during pottery and working with mud.

Copper metal is found in pure form in nature. Its use does not require difficult extraction steps. In Iran, the oldest copper vessels were discovered in the center and north of the country.

We will tell you some of the benefits that copper and copper dishes bring to the body:

1- Water stored in copper containers removes fat cells. This helps to reduce body fat and maintain body weight balance.

2-Copper helps absorb iron in the body and prevent anemia.

3- Copper delays the aging process due to its antioxidant properties.

4-Copper is also useful for the heart and controls blood pressure and prevents the formation of plaque.

5- The human body needs a large amount of copper ions to supply energy, and its presence in the body has a significant effect on increasing the body's energy.

6- Copper plays a significant role in wound healing and accelerates the wound healing process.

7-Copper prevents thyroid disease in the body. One of the causes of thyroid disease, whether it is an overactive thyroid or an underactive thyroid, is lack of copper in the body. Drinking water in copper containers can improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.

8-Copper has an effect on increasing brain function and makes the brain work faster and more efficiently.

9-Copper plays a role in preventing cancer. One of the causes of cancer is radicals and unhealthy eating habits. Because copper acts as an anti-radical agent, it helps us prevent cancer.

10-Copper can help oxygenate the blood and act as a carrier of oxygen in the blood.

Etched; It is a pattern on the fabric. In this article, we discuss the history of this art and its types.

Etched; It is the art of printing or engraving on fabric. Pen work or the art of cloth penmanship means to depict different motifs on simple and unpatterned cloth by means of molds and stamps.

The material of Qalamkari fabric is linen, cotton, silk, chalwar and canvas. The best type of fabric for a pen is yarn because cotton fibers accept color more than wool fibers and its color quality is better.
Iranian calligraphy centers

Currently, the city of Isfahan is the center of Iran's pencil production. In the cities of Damghan and Semnan, a special type of pen is prepared.
Three characteristics of a high-quality pencil cloth

* Its material must be wool.

* Its color should be natural and use ketira and glycerin to stabilize its color.

* More patterns and colors should be used in it, because then the number of stamps is also more and the more regular the stamps, the higher its value.

Saler Company Information

Company : Ara Honar Fakher Irani
Mobile : 00989220167904
Phone : 00982188930148
More Information : View
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Avand (copper pot and spoon and pen table)

Avand (copper pot and spoon and pen table) is a unique and very attractive package from our collection of hospitality gifts. Avand expresses the deep culture of Iranians when eating means throwing the table. In less culture, we encounter table setting while eating.

Avand (copper pot and spoon and penman's table) is the revival of this ancient tradition. If you have a foreign guest and you want him to get acquainted with Iranian culture, be sure to come to our hospitality gifts and gift packages.

Sitting on the ground and eating is very attractive for the people of Farang. They try to learn this tradition in Iran and perform it when they return to their country and tell their friends and acquaintances how Iranians sit around a table and eat.

With Avand (copper pot and spoon and pen table), you can export Iranian culture to the world together with your foreign guests. This package can be an attractive gift for the employees of your company.

A small pot and a copper spoon are placed in this package, which will help you a lot in terms of treatment, which we will mention below about the properties of copper.

The pencil table and under the straw pot, which are made by the people of Isfahan and Dezful, are another part of the package.
Avand (copper pot and spoon and pen table)

In Avand, we have also put six types of spices that are common in Iranian tables so that this collection takes on Iranian taste and color.
Benefits of copper utensils

Many archaeologists believe that copper was the first metal discovered and used by humans. They believe that humans got acquainted with this metal during pottery and working with mud.

Copper metal is found in pure form in nature. Its use does not require difficult extraction steps. In Iran, the oldest copper vessels were discovered in the center and north of the country.

We will tell you some of the benefits that copper and copper dishes bring to the body:

1- Water stored in copper containers removes fat cells. This helps to reduce body fat and maintain body weight balance.

2-Copper helps absorb iron in the body and prevent anemia.

3- Copper delays the aging process due to its antioxidant properties.

4-Copper is also useful for the heart and controls blood pressure and prevents the formation of plaque.

5- The human body needs a large amount of copper ions to supply energy, and its presence in the body has a significant effect on increasing the body's energy.

6- Copper plays a significant role in wound healing and accelerates the wound healing process.

7-Copper prevents thyroid disease in the body. One of the causes of thyroid disease, whether it is an overactive thyroid or an underactive thyroid, is lack of copper in the body. Drinking water in copper containers can improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.

8-Copper has an effect on increasing brain function and makes the brain work faster and more efficiently.

9-Copper plays a role in preventing cancer. One of the causes of cancer is radicals and unhealthy eating habits. Because copper acts as an anti-radical agent, it helps us prevent cancer.

10-Copper can help oxygenate the blood and act as a carrier of oxygen in the blood.

Etched; It is a pattern on the fabric. In this article, we discuss the history of this art and its types.

Etched; It is the art of printing or engraving on fabric. Pen work or the art of cloth penmanship means to depict different motifs on simple and unpatterned cloth by means of molds and stamps.

The material of Qalamkari fabric is linen, cotton, silk, chalwar and canvas. The best type of fabric for a pen is yarn because cotton fibers accept color more than wool fibers and its color quality is better.
Iranian calligraphy centers

Currently, the city of Isfahan is the center of Iran's pencil production. In the cities of Damghan and Semnan, a special type of pen is prepared.
Three characteristics of a high-quality pencil cloth

* Its material must be wool.

* Its color should be natural and use ketira and glycerin to stabilize its color.

* More patterns and colors should be used in it, because then the number of stamps is also more and the more regular the stamps, the higher its value.

Saler Company Information

Company : Ara Honar Fakher Irani
Mobile : 00989220167904
Phone : 00982188930148
More Information : View
Online order registration form