Exterminator for Insects and Animals (DH-01)
Exterminator for Insects and Animals (DH-01)
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Product price : 187,000 Toman
Exterminator for Insects and Animals (DH-01)
price : 187,000 Toman

Its function is ultrasonic and electromagnetic, which affect the nervous system of insects and animals and prevent their feeding and reproduction.

This ultrasonic device ensures that the home environment for insects and vermin is unsafe and eventually repels them permanently for 2 to 4 weeks.

Using an electromagnetic system, the device uses electrical current and home wiring to insulate the inside of the wall for insects and animals, eventually leaving them out.

The frequency of this device is distributed alternately and does not allow creatures to get used to the frequency.

One of the unique features of this device is the existence of two eight-base ICs for the 16 types of transmitted frequencies for 16 insect and pest families.

It is suitable for large beetles, aphids, Dracula, snakes, lizards, scorpions, spiders, rattlesnakes, millipedes and all insects and vermin.

Note that this machine cannot repel mosquitoes and flies.

It is recommended to use DH-01 and DH-03 complementary devices to dispose of insects such as ants, termites and small beetles.

The device is capable of frequency up to 60 square meters and it is better to increase the number of units with added metering.

DHCs do not have any adverse effect on pregnant women, children, infants, humans, patients and pets (dogs, cats, fish and birds).

This device has between 40 and 60 kHz of transmission frequency.

Its power consumption is 4 watts.

The device has two green and red lights, one indicating ultrasonic and one indicating electromagnetism.

Note that the function of the device decreases with the door and window open.

This machine is manufactured in Iran and includes Gold Warranty, 100% Performance Guaranteed Bachelor Degree, 2 years of support and 10 years of after sales service.

standards :

CE: European Standard

UL: Product Safety Verification

IEC: International Electronics Standard

ISO 9001: Quality management standard

ISO 14001: Environmental management standard

OHSAS 18001: Safety and Health Standards

ISO 10004: International Standard for Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Saler Company Information

Company : Electric Sazan Ofogh Kavir
Phone : 00982144614100
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Exterminator for Insects and Animals (DH-01)
priceee : 187,000 Toman

Its function is ultrasonic and electromagnetic, which affect the nervous system of insects and animals and prevent their feeding and reproduction.

This ultrasonic device ensures that the home environment for insects and vermin is unsafe and eventually repels them permanently for 2 to 4 weeks.

Using an electromagnetic system, the device uses electrical current and home wiring to insulate the inside of the wall for insects and animals, eventually leaving them out.

The frequency of this device is distributed alternately and does not allow creatures to get used to the frequency.

One of the unique features of this device is the existence of two eight-base ICs for the 16 types of transmitted frequencies for 16 insect and pest families.

It is suitable for large beetles, aphids, Dracula, snakes, lizards, scorpions, spiders, rattlesnakes, millipedes and all insects and vermin.

Note that this machine cannot repel mosquitoes and flies.

It is recommended to use DH-01 and DH-03 complementary devices to dispose of insects such as ants, termites and small beetles.

The device is capable of frequency up to 60 square meters and it is better to increase the number of units with added metering.

DHCs do not have any adverse effect on pregnant women, children, infants, humans, patients and pets (dogs, cats, fish and birds).

This device has between 40 and 60 kHz of transmission frequency.

Its power consumption is 4 watts.

The device has two green and red lights, one indicating ultrasonic and one indicating electromagnetism.

Note that the function of the device decreases with the door and window open.

This machine is manufactured in Iran and includes Gold Warranty, 100% Performance Guaranteed Bachelor Degree, 2 years of support and 10 years of after sales service.

standards :

CE: European Standard

UL: Product Safety Verification

IEC: International Electronics Standard

ISO 9001: Quality management standard

ISO 14001: Environmental management standard

OHSAS 18001: Safety and Health Standards

ISO 10004: International Standard for Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Saler Company Information

Company : Electric Sazan Ofogh Kavir
Phone : 00982144614100
More Information : View
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