Specialized dog disposal machine
Specialized dog disposal machine
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Specialized dog disposal machine

As we all have seen, there have been various changes in human life and morale. With the development of industry, technology and urbanization in cities, human beings have to face the various pressures of nature in order to get out of the various pressures of the industry. , Parks and public places of refuge and expects to live in a healthy and clean environment without any intellectual concerns so the need for green spaces and parks in the city is not only physiologically unquestionable but also mentally It is of particular importance that perhaps there is a psychological imbalance to human civilization far more dangerous than infectious diseases. Maximum. So they need clean air, silence, calmness, complete dust removal, full protection against external noise, sunshine, natural and adjustable lighting, rebuilding the natural environment and living in the heaven and environment. . Considering the aforementioned cases, it is necessary for the municipalities to build places for citizens to get away from the mechanical and industrial life. We also see that human spirits have changed a lot compared to domestic animals and animals, and we find that there are groups and associations in the cities that have a great deal to establish and care for animals. This has made it a daunting task for municipalities to prevent stray dogs from disturbing the recreational area of ​​the city. It used to poison or shoot at poachers in the city before. This has provoked anger and outrage among city dwellers. We've all seen or heard the beating of a street dog making people angry and rallying in front of the city's judiciary and calling for its perpetrators. And while we are also opposed to animal abuse or the killing and violent treatment of these animals, we have built a means of getting them across the city and into public and recreational areas so that they are not harmed in the least.

- Without causing the slightest damage to the dog

- No animal resistant to restlessness

-High efficient and durable and beautiful design

- Adjustable handle and control

Saler Company Information

Company : Electric Sazan Ofogh Kavir
Phone : 00982144614100
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Specialized dog disposal machine

As we all have seen, there have been various changes in human life and morale. With the development of industry, technology and urbanization in cities, human beings have to face the various pressures of nature in order to get out of the various pressures of the industry. , Parks and public places of refuge and expects to live in a healthy and clean environment without any intellectual concerns so the need for green spaces and parks in the city is not only physiologically unquestionable but also mentally It is of particular importance that perhaps there is a psychological imbalance to human civilization far more dangerous than infectious diseases. Maximum. So they need clean air, silence, calmness, complete dust removal, full protection against external noise, sunshine, natural and adjustable lighting, rebuilding the natural environment and living in the heaven and environment. . Considering the aforementioned cases, it is necessary for the municipalities to build places for citizens to get away from the mechanical and industrial life. We also see that human spirits have changed a lot compared to domestic animals and animals, and we find that there are groups and associations in the cities that have a great deal to establish and care for animals. This has made it a daunting task for municipalities to prevent stray dogs from disturbing the recreational area of ​​the city. It used to poison or shoot at poachers in the city before. This has provoked anger and outrage among city dwellers. We've all seen or heard the beating of a street dog making people angry and rallying in front of the city's judiciary and calling for its perpetrators. And while we are also opposed to animal abuse or the killing and violent treatment of these animals, we have built a means of getting them across the city and into public and recreational areas so that they are not harmed in the least.

- Without causing the slightest damage to the dog

- No animal resistant to restlessness

-High efficient and durable and beautiful design

- Adjustable handle and control

Saler Company Information

Company : Electric Sazan Ofogh Kavir
Phone : 00982144614100
More Information : View
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