Pack of 6 Omega 3 eggs
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Pack of 6 Omega 3 eggs

Due to the added nutritional value and the enrichment of the feed of laying hens with Finnish salmon fish oil, Telaung Omega 3 eggs are a product beyond a quality egg. Omega 3 egg has about 2 times more omega 3 than a classic egg. The omega-3 found in this egg significantly contributes to heart health, improving brain function, and improving fatty liver conditions.

Omega 3 eggs can be a very nutritious food source for pregnant women and children. Children between the ages of 6 and 12 need to consume omega-3 to strengthen their memory, immune system, bones and eyesight. To provide part of the daily omega-3 requirement, children can be fed with omega-3 enriched eggs. The fatty acids in this egg work exactly like aspirin and prevent blood clotting. The weight of each Omega 3 egg is about 55 to 65 grams and it is marketed in packages of 6, 9, and 15 pieces of talc and 20 pieces of cardboard.

Saler Company Information

Company : Telavang
Phone : 00982161410
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Pack of 6 Omega 3 eggs

Due to the added nutritional value and the enrichment of the feed of laying hens with Finnish salmon fish oil, Telaung Omega 3 eggs are a product beyond a quality egg. Omega 3 egg has about 2 times more omega 3 than a classic egg. The omega-3 found in this egg significantly contributes to heart health, improving brain function, and improving fatty liver conditions.

Omega 3 eggs can be a very nutritious food source for pregnant women and children. Children between the ages of 6 and 12 need to consume omega-3 to strengthen their memory, immune system, bones and eyesight. To provide part of the daily omega-3 requirement, children can be fed with omega-3 enriched eggs. The fatty acids in this egg work exactly like aspirin and prevent blood clotting. The weight of each Omega 3 egg is about 55 to 65 grams and it is marketed in packages of 6, 9, and 15 pieces of talc and 20 pieces of cardboard.

Saler Company Information

Company : Telavang
Phone : 00982161410
More Information : View
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