Pack of 9 classic eggs
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Pack of 9 classic eggs

The plain or classic egg is the first and the oldest product of Talong, which was released to the market in a packaged form. This egg is the beginning of transformation in the country's poultry industry and a symbol of the originality of Talong products. Classic egg is the most consumed product of Talong among customers and consumers. In addition to being one of the main items in the household's daily shopping basket, this egg is used in cake and cookie factories, confectioneries and other related food industries. The protein in chicken eggs is one of the richest proteins in food. In addition, chicken eggs are rich in vitamins and minerals and contain 9 amino acids that cannot be produced in the body.

This type of eggs from Telaung company is available in the market in 9, 6 and 15 talc and 20 and 30 cardboard boxes. After entering the date of production and expiration, the eggs are packed completely mechanized and without manual intervention, and before packaging, the health and quality criteria of the eggs, such as the cleanliness of the shell, the absence of any break in the shell, the color of the yolk, and their weight, are ensured. The approximate weight of each classic egg is between 55 and 65 grams (except for packages of 20 which weigh between 50 and 60 grams).

Application in health foods, snacks, main meals, cooking, household use, food industry, etc.

This product can be used up to one month if stored in the refrigerator.
Badges and certificates

ISO 9001
ISO 2008

Saler Company Information

Company : Telavang
Phone : 00982161410
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Pack of 9 classic eggs

The plain or classic egg is the first and the oldest product of Talong, which was released to the market in a packaged form. This egg is the beginning of transformation in the country's poultry industry and a symbol of the originality of Talong products. Classic egg is the most consumed product of Talong among customers and consumers. In addition to being one of the main items in the household's daily shopping basket, this egg is used in cake and cookie factories, confectioneries and other related food industries. The protein in chicken eggs is one of the richest proteins in food. In addition, chicken eggs are rich in vitamins and minerals and contain 9 amino acids that cannot be produced in the body.

This type of eggs from Telaung company is available in the market in 9, 6 and 15 talc and 20 and 30 cardboard boxes. After entering the date of production and expiration, the eggs are packed completely mechanized and without manual intervention, and before packaging, the health and quality criteria of the eggs, such as the cleanliness of the shell, the absence of any break in the shell, the color of the yolk, and their weight, are ensured. The approximate weight of each classic egg is between 55 and 65 grams (except for packages of 20 which weigh between 50 and 60 grams).

Application in health foods, snacks, main meals, cooking, household use, food industry, etc.

This product can be used up to one month if stored in the refrigerator.
Badges and certificates

ISO 9001
ISO 2008

Saler Company Information

Company : Telavang
Phone : 00982161410
More Information : View
Online order registration form