Alkyd Primer (Stainless - Shield)
Alkyd Primer (Stainless - Shield)
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Alkyd Primer (Stainless - Shield)

Alkyd primers (stainless) are prepared using the best anti-corrosion pigments and are recommended for use in temperate climates, for the protection of metal surfaces, installations, structures and household and office metal applications in semi-industrial and semi-industrial environments. Advantages of this product are drying time, durability, adhesion and good coating strength.

Surface Preparation Wipe away any rust, grease, dirt, dirt and contamination and wait for it to dry completely. Old paint shells should come from a smooth surface. If necessary, sanding or sandblasting can be used to eliminate the previous colors and rust.
How to Use 1. Gradually dilute the contents of the container with the appropriate amount of white spirit thinner and apply on the surface. The amount of thinner white spirit in the primer depends on the ambient temperature, the surface area, and the staining device. But under normal conditions, this amount is 15% -12% by brush, 12% -10% by roller and 20% -15% by pistol by weight percent. 2. Primer application at ambient temperatures above 10 ° C, surface temperature 3 ° above dew point and humidity below 80% is recommended.
Laundry Wash and dry the hands after spraying with paint, solvent, or spilled material. Follow the manufacturer's safety instructions when using white spirit solvent.
SAFETY AND STORAGE Keep container contents dry, cool, and in direct sunlight, with proper ventilation. After use, close the container door tightly. The best use time is 24 months after the date of production if you have proper storage conditions. When applying color, apply proper ventilation and mask, and open doors and windows if possible. Wash hands after use. If swallowed or in contact with eyes (after rinsing with plenty of water), seek medical attention.

Saler Company Information

Company : Alvan paint & resin production
Phone : 00982188847444
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Alkyd Primer (Stainless - Shield)

Alkyd primers (stainless) are prepared using the best anti-corrosion pigments and are recommended for use in temperate climates, for the protection of metal surfaces, installations, structures and household and office metal applications in semi-industrial and semi-industrial environments. Advantages of this product are drying time, durability, adhesion and good coating strength.

Surface Preparation Wipe away any rust, grease, dirt, dirt and contamination and wait for it to dry completely. Old paint shells should come from a smooth surface. If necessary, sanding or sandblasting can be used to eliminate the previous colors and rust.
How to Use 1. Gradually dilute the contents of the container with the appropriate amount of white spirit thinner and apply on the surface. The amount of thinner white spirit in the primer depends on the ambient temperature, the surface area, and the staining device. But under normal conditions, this amount is 15% -12% by brush, 12% -10% by roller and 20% -15% by pistol by weight percent. 2. Primer application at ambient temperatures above 10 ° C, surface temperature 3 ° above dew point and humidity below 80% is recommended.
Laundry Wash and dry the hands after spraying with paint, solvent, or spilled material. Follow the manufacturer's safety instructions when using white spirit solvent.
SAFETY AND STORAGE Keep container contents dry, cool, and in direct sunlight, with proper ventilation. After use, close the container door tightly. The best use time is 24 months after the date of production if you have proper storage conditions. When applying color, apply proper ventilation and mask, and open doors and windows if possible. Wash hands after use. If swallowed or in contact with eyes (after rinsing with plenty of water), seek medical attention.

Saler Company Information

Company : Alvan paint & resin production
Phone : 00982188847444
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