Mechanized parking
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Mechanized parking

Increasingly increasing the number of cars in metropolitan areas and using them in different social contexts is inevitable, and the problems associated with using them have been impossible in traditional ways for decades. Excessive car overcrowding in the metropolis has created a parking problem in these cities, and providing parking for a large volume of vehicles has become a major problem. Especially in crowding centers such as shopping centers, medical, recreational and office complexes, residential parking shortage is highly perceptible and wastes time and confuses clients.

Providing needed parking in these centers is not feasible in traditional ways or occupies a high level which is very costly due to the high cost of land in these locations. It has a lot to do with traditional parking lots, which are briefly mentioned below.

Benefits of mechanized parking:

Ability to optimally use space (reduce altitude, reduce space between cars).
The ability and flexibility of designs and the ability to adapt to different, incomplete and non-geometrical conditions of land and buildings with different designs.
Ability to create up and down or in combination.
Low cost and time of construction and installation compared to traditional parking.
Ability to move some designs and types from place to place.
No need for multiple personnel due to system mechanization.
High security in car maintenance.
High speed in car park and car delivery

Disadvantages of Traditional Parking:

The need to provide relatively large and specific terrain as well as the flexibility of such parking plans.
High cost and construction time as well as high out-of-use spaces due to ramps, loops, sidewalks, large cross-sections, etc.
Need to use multiple personnel.
The high level of human error in drivers entering and leaving.
Lack of high security for the damages and theft of auto parts and objects inside Venice.
Wasting driver time when entering the parking lot and parking there and vice versa.

Due to the necessity of mechanized parking in metropolitan areas, the company has undertaken extensive research in this field and has succeeded in localizing the required technical knowledge. is.

The following figures show a comparison between a mechanized parking lot and an open-air parking lot. Of course, in the attached videos you can see the mechanized parking lots.

The required parking space for 67 parking spaces is 1400 square meters.

Saler Company Information

Mobile : 00989121217626
Phone : 00982122894385
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Mechanized parking

Increasingly increasing the number of cars in metropolitan areas and using them in different social contexts is inevitable, and the problems associated with using them have been impossible in traditional ways for decades. Excessive car overcrowding in the metropolis has created a parking problem in these cities, and providing parking for a large volume of vehicles has become a major problem. Especially in crowding centers such as shopping centers, medical, recreational and office complexes, residential parking shortage is highly perceptible and wastes time and confuses clients.

Providing needed parking in these centers is not feasible in traditional ways or occupies a high level which is very costly due to the high cost of land in these locations. It has a lot to do with traditional parking lots, which are briefly mentioned below.

Benefits of mechanized parking:

Ability to optimally use space (reduce altitude, reduce space between cars).
The ability and flexibility of designs and the ability to adapt to different, incomplete and non-geometrical conditions of land and buildings with different designs.
Ability to create up and down or in combination.
Low cost and time of construction and installation compared to traditional parking.
Ability to move some designs and types from place to place.
No need for multiple personnel due to system mechanization.
High security in car maintenance.
High speed in car park and car delivery

Disadvantages of Traditional Parking:

The need to provide relatively large and specific terrain as well as the flexibility of such parking plans.
High cost and construction time as well as high out-of-use spaces due to ramps, loops, sidewalks, large cross-sections, etc.
Need to use multiple personnel.
The high level of human error in drivers entering and leaving.
Lack of high security for the damages and theft of auto parts and objects inside Venice.
Wasting driver time when entering the parking lot and parking there and vice versa.

Due to the necessity of mechanized parking in metropolitan areas, the company has undertaken extensive research in this field and has succeeded in localizing the required technical knowledge. is.

The following figures show a comparison between a mechanized parking lot and an open-air parking lot. Of course, in the attached videos you can see the mechanized parking lots.

The required parking space for 67 parking spaces is 1400 square meters.

Saler Company Information

Mobile : 00989121217626
Phone : 00982122894385
More Information : View
Online order registration form