Introduction of the commodity inspection unit
Introduction of the commodity inspection unit
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Introduction of the commodity inspection unit

One of the main concerns of vendors, especially buyers, when conducting international transactions and purchasing goods, is the uncertainty for the other party and doubts about fulfilling the obligations assumed by him. In this regard, one of the tools that can be considered and using The seller's responsibilities before the goods are shipped and the money received is checked and controlled, is the use of inspection services, which by monitoring, quantitative and qualitative control of the purchased goods, will reduce the future differences between the buyer and the seller. There are different ways to do this. The routine of your inspection process L is the following steps:

Controlling and certifying the quality level announced by the manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of the contract and relevant standards.

Controlling and monitoring how subcontractors and raw material manufacturers are evaluated

Supervising how to inspect input items

Periodic control of production steps

Inspection and verification of controls performed on the final product and technical records

But as a rule, inspections of imported goods are carried out only at the pre-inspection stage, which includes the following three parts:

Inspection of the production line

Inspection and sampling and testing at the production site

Inspection and sampling before shipment (before loading)

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Company : PQI
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Introduction of the commodity inspection unit

One of the main concerns of vendors, especially buyers, when conducting international transactions and purchasing goods, is the uncertainty for the other party and doubts about fulfilling the obligations assumed by him. In this regard, one of the tools that can be considered and using The seller's responsibilities before the goods are shipped and the money received is checked and controlled, is the use of inspection services, which by monitoring, quantitative and qualitative control of the purchased goods, will reduce the future differences between the buyer and the seller. There are different ways to do this. The routine of your inspection process L is the following steps:

Controlling and certifying the quality level announced by the manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of the contract and relevant standards.

Controlling and monitoring how subcontractors and raw material manufacturers are evaluated

Supervising how to inspect input items

Periodic control of production steps

Inspection and verification of controls performed on the final product and technical records

But as a rule, inspections of imported goods are carried out only at the pre-inspection stage, which includes the following three parts:

Inspection of the production line

Inspection and sampling and testing at the production site

Inspection and sampling before shipment (before loading)

Saler Company Information

Company : PQI
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