Iron sulfate (ferro) 28-30%
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Iron sulfate (ferro) 28-30%

14307 The nutrients needed by the body reach the desired organs through the blood, and the main part of the blood is made with red blood cells, and the basic structure of red blood cells is made of iron. Therefore, the important effect of providing the iron needed by the body is very important. Regarding the absorption of iron by the body, the important point is that it must be of divalent iron in order to be able to be absorbed, so the use of iron chloride or iron nitrate will not be useful. and the use of bivalent iron sulfate is definitely recommended

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Company : Givan Shimi
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Iron sulfate (ferro) 28-30%

14307 The nutrients needed by the body reach the desired organs through the blood, and the main part of the blood is made with red blood cells, and the basic structure of red blood cells is made of iron. Therefore, the important effect of providing the iron needed by the body is very important. Regarding the absorption of iron by the body, the important point is that it must be of divalent iron in order to be able to be absorbed, so the use of iron chloride or iron nitrate will not be useful. and the use of bivalent iron sulfate is definitely recommended

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Company : Givan Shimi
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