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Since sulfur is the most important base of sulfur-containing organic compounds, and the enzymes and hormones of the body contain sulfur, and it is involved in the metabolism of vitamins and coenzyme A, and SO4 ions are present in most mucopolysaccharides, so they need It is evident that organisms provide sulfur. It also has an important effect in providing animal coverings such as horns and wool. In ruminants, ruminal microorganisms easily introduce sulfur contained in sulfates into protein chains. And monogastrics need a lot of sulfur amino acids considering that corn does not contain sulfur.

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Company : Givan Shimi
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Since sulfur is the most important base of sulfur-containing organic compounds, and the enzymes and hormones of the body contain sulfur, and it is involved in the metabolism of vitamins and coenzyme A, and SO4 ions are present in most mucopolysaccharides, so they need It is evident that organisms provide sulfur. It also has an important effect in providing animal coverings such as horns and wool. In ruminants, ruminal microorganisms easily introduce sulfur contained in sulfates into protein chains. And monogastrics need a lot of sulfur amino acids considering that corn does not contain sulfur.

Saler Company Information

Company : Givan Shimi
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