Imported coconut fruit
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Imported coconut fruit

The main and, respectively, the largest coconut producing countries are Indonesia, the Philippines and India. Fakhrbnad Pamchal Co., using experts in the field of quality control of coconut fruit, acts as an imported product to provide all end-user needs for access to healthy and organic fruit.

Why coconut

The Coconut Coconut Native (Cocos nucifera), with its hard and brown skin, was first cultivated in South Asia, and now it is a coconut tree in all tropical regions. The Pacific people have been using all parts of the tree. And they use it as a main meal.

A proverbial proverbial about coconut is well-known among the Pacific people, who says that everyone who makes a coconut tree makes for himself and his children clothes, dishes, drinks, food and houses.

The main properties of coconut:

Coconut is one of the fruits that is less attractive due to its hard and hard face, and therefore less. This is while fruit coconut is a rich and excellent organ that can destroy many different diseases.

** The first point we can point out is the mineral that is present in the coconut. One cup of this fruit has about 283 calories and brings energy to the body. Also, the coconut contains a lot of omega-6 fatty acids, which eliminates many diseases of the body. It also does not increase cholesterol levels.

** There are various vitamins in coconut that should not be ignored. High amounts of magnesium, iron, and phosphorus are among the most important nutrients and vitamins found in coconut. You also have a lot of zinc, calcium and manganese you need for your body to eat with coconut.

** The coconut is rich in protein and, of course, the high calorie content is very suitable for those who want to add more weight. This fruit can provide your daily energy and make it easy to eat just 80 grams of energy for daily tasks.

** The white part of this fruit has a lot of lavaric acid that goes into bacterial warfare and resists many infections. Coconut water is also one of the best drinks for the kidneys, and it can be cleaned easily and your digestive system completely clean and free of any microbial contamination. Coconuts also contain substances that can prevent cancer.

Coconut Storage Temperature:

The temperature is suitable for keeping pineapple between 7 and 12 degrees Celsius. Putting pineapple below 7 degrees Celsius can lead to a loss of quality pineapple, especially pineapple that has not completely reached temperatures of around 4 degrees Celsius, will cause damage to the skin, and then a severe drop in quality.

Saler Company Information

Company : Fakher Behnad Pamchal
Mobile : 0098912144939
Phone : 00982144708740
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Imported coconut fruit

The main and, respectively, the largest coconut producing countries are Indonesia, the Philippines and India. Fakhrbnad Pamchal Co., using experts in the field of quality control of coconut fruit, acts as an imported product to provide all end-user needs for access to healthy and organic fruit.

Why coconut

The Coconut Coconut Native (Cocos nucifera), with its hard and brown skin, was first cultivated in South Asia, and now it is a coconut tree in all tropical regions. The Pacific people have been using all parts of the tree. And they use it as a main meal.

A proverbial proverbial about coconut is well-known among the Pacific people, who says that everyone who makes a coconut tree makes for himself and his children clothes, dishes, drinks, food and houses.

The main properties of coconut:

Coconut is one of the fruits that is less attractive due to its hard and hard face, and therefore less. This is while fruit coconut is a rich and excellent organ that can destroy many different diseases.

** The first point we can point out is the mineral that is present in the coconut. One cup of this fruit has about 283 calories and brings energy to the body. Also, the coconut contains a lot of omega-6 fatty acids, which eliminates many diseases of the body. It also does not increase cholesterol levels.

** There are various vitamins in coconut that should not be ignored. High amounts of magnesium, iron, and phosphorus are among the most important nutrients and vitamins found in coconut. You also have a lot of zinc, calcium and manganese you need for your body to eat with coconut.

** The coconut is rich in protein and, of course, the high calorie content is very suitable for those who want to add more weight. This fruit can provide your daily energy and make it easy to eat just 80 grams of energy for daily tasks.

** The white part of this fruit has a lot of lavaric acid that goes into bacterial warfare and resists many infections. Coconut water is also one of the best drinks for the kidneys, and it can be cleaned easily and your digestive system completely clean and free of any microbial contamination. Coconuts also contain substances that can prevent cancer.

Coconut Storage Temperature:

The temperature is suitable for keeping pineapple between 7 and 12 degrees Celsius. Putting pineapple below 7 degrees Celsius can lead to a loss of quality pineapple, especially pineapple that has not completely reached temperatures of around 4 degrees Celsius, will cause damage to the skin, and then a severe drop in quality.

Saler Company Information

Company : Fakher Behnad Pamchal
Mobile : 0098912144939
Phone : 00982144708740
More Information : View
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