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It is suitable for use in gasoline cars designed until 2004 and supercharged diesel cars when the above standards are recommended by the car manufacturer.
Suitable for use in 206 and 207 cars


Excellent thermal stability and oxidation resistance.
Cleaning properties to reduce deposits caused by combustion and oxidation.
Anti-wear properties to control the wear of engine parts.
The property of neutralizing acids resulting from oxidation and combustion to prevent corrosion of engine parts.
Excellent increase in engine life and power.
Good lubrication properties at low temperatures, especially at the moment of starting.
Maintaining the viscosity of the oil throughout its use.

Suitable for cars...

Types of Peugeot 206 type 1, 2 and 3, 207i, Rana

Saler Company Information

Company : Iranol Oil
Phone : 00982188215729
More Information : View
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It is suitable for use in gasoline cars designed until 2004 and supercharged diesel cars when the above standards are recommended by the car manufacturer.
Suitable for use in 206 and 207 cars


Excellent thermal stability and oxidation resistance.
Cleaning properties to reduce deposits caused by combustion and oxidation.
Anti-wear properties to control the wear of engine parts.
The property of neutralizing acids resulting from oxidation and combustion to prevent corrosion of engine parts.
Excellent increase in engine life and power.
Good lubrication properties at low temperatures, especially at the moment of starting.
Maintaining the viscosity of the oil throughout its use.

Suitable for cars...

Types of Peugeot 206 type 1, 2 and 3, 207i, Rana

Saler Company Information

Company : Iranol Oil
Phone : 00982188215729
More Information : View
Online order registration form