Lemon Juice 5 Litr PET
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Lemon Juice 5 Litr PET

Lemon is one of the most widely used citrus fruits for culinary and medicinal use. It is used to make a lot of foods, as well as drinks such as lemonade, and one of the most commonly used seasonings is food. Lemon juice naturally contains 5% of citric acid, which gives it the taste of pickles. Lemon is a very good source of vitamin C and contains other vitamins such as vitamin B, riboflavin and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as protein and carbohydrates. Lemon is commonly used as lemon juice. With lemon juice you can make a very healthy drink, which is especially useful for the morning. Daily consumption of lemon juice has many health benefits.

The benefits of lemon treatment

1. Treatment of throat infections

Lemon is an excellent fruit that helps to cope with problems associated with throat, sore throat and tonsillitis due to its antibacterial properties. To treat sore throats, mix half a glass of lemon juice with half a glass of water and spin it repeatedly.

2. Weight loss

One of the most important benefits of drinking lemon juice is to make weight loss easier. Lime juice with lukewarm water and honey can also lower body weight.

3. Blood pressure control

Lemon juice is very useful for people with heart problems because of their potassium content. Lemon juice controls high blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea, and gives the body a sense of relaxation. It also reduces depression.

4. Reduce fever

Lemon juice can help people with a cold, flu or fever. This substance interrupts fever by increasing the sweat of the body.

Saler Company Information

Company : Iran Golab
Mobile : 00989121118526
Phone : 00982188674081
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Lemon Juice 5 Litr PET

Lemon is one of the most widely used citrus fruits for culinary and medicinal use. It is used to make a lot of foods, as well as drinks such as lemonade, and one of the most commonly used seasonings is food. Lemon juice naturally contains 5% of citric acid, which gives it the taste of pickles. Lemon is a very good source of vitamin C and contains other vitamins such as vitamin B, riboflavin and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as protein and carbohydrates. Lemon is commonly used as lemon juice. With lemon juice you can make a very healthy drink, which is especially useful for the morning. Daily consumption of lemon juice has many health benefits.

The benefits of lemon treatment

1. Treatment of throat infections

Lemon is an excellent fruit that helps to cope with problems associated with throat, sore throat and tonsillitis due to its antibacterial properties. To treat sore throats, mix half a glass of lemon juice with half a glass of water and spin it repeatedly.

2. Weight loss

One of the most important benefits of drinking lemon juice is to make weight loss easier. Lime juice with lukewarm water and honey can also lower body weight.

3. Blood pressure control

Lemon juice is very useful for people with heart problems because of their potassium content. Lemon juice controls high blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea, and gives the body a sense of relaxation. It also reduces depression.

4. Reduce fever

Lemon juice can help people with a cold, flu or fever. This substance interrupts fever by increasing the sweat of the body.

Saler Company Information

Company : Iran Golab
Mobile : 00989121118526
Phone : 00982188674081
More Information : View
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