Cubic tanks for water storage and firefighting in high capacities
Cubic tanks for water storage and firefighting in high capacities
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Cubic tanks for water storage and firefighting in high capacities

These tanks are usually used to store drinking water and fire fighting water in large buildings and complexes. These tanks are atmospheric and generally due to their high volume and location, they are made of galvanized sheet, assembled and tested at the project site. After performing the welding operation and performing the related tests, the welding places are cleaned from the inside and covered with cold galvanization (Zinka).

Saler Company Information

Company : Tehran Mobaddel
Phone : 00982177797779
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Cubic tanks for water storage and firefighting in high capacities

These tanks are usually used to store drinking water and fire fighting water in large buildings and complexes. These tanks are atmospheric and generally due to their high volume and location, they are made of galvanized sheet, assembled and tested at the project site. After performing the welding operation and performing the related tests, the welding places are cleaned from the inside and covered with cold galvanization (Zinka).

Saler Company Information

Company : Tehran Mobaddel
Phone : 00982177797779
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