Desalination system by RO method
Desalination system by RO method
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Desalination system by RO method

RO stands for Reverse Osmosis and means reverse osmosis, which involves separating a solvent such as water from a salt solution using a semi-permeable membrane and hydrostatic pressure.

If a pressure greater than the osmotic pressure is applied, the transfer of the solvent will take place in the opposite direction. The reverse osmosis system is considered as a useful and effective separation method in reducing and removing water-soluble ions in the world. RO is used for water purification in various commercial, industrial, hospital, etc. cases.

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Company : Tehran Mobaddel
Phone : 00982177797779
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Desalination system by RO method

RO stands for Reverse Osmosis and means reverse osmosis, which involves separating a solvent such as water from a salt solution using a semi-permeable membrane and hydrostatic pressure.

If a pressure greater than the osmotic pressure is applied, the transfer of the solvent will take place in the opposite direction. The reverse osmosis system is considered as a useful and effective separation method in reducing and removing water-soluble ions in the world. RO is used for water purification in various commercial, industrial, hospital, etc. cases.

Saler Company Information

Company : Tehran Mobaddel
Phone : 00982177797779
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