Boiler carrying cart
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Boiler carrying cart

Pot carrying trolley is one of the most practical and important equipment that every kitchen and dining hall needs. Normally, without using this trolley, you have to use several people to move the food pot, but using this trolley, you can easily move the food pots.

The pot carrying trolley, which is also called the pot carrying cart, is made of a flat steel plate that is placed on 4 legs. These 4 wheels help the smooth and comfortable movement of this trolley. There is a handle behind the pot carrying trolley, which is made of 304 steel and is used to push and move the trolley.

The pot carrying cart can bear high weight and has high resistance and durability. The boiler carrying trolley should be able to continue moving no matter how much the weight of the boiler and the items placed on it increases. This product is made of steel sheet, iron or profile, and in addition to the existing standard samples, it is also produced based on the customer's needs and orders.

Saler Company Information

Company : Tajhiz Gostar Khavarmianeh
Mobile : 00989128299793
Phone : 00982144374283
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Boiler carrying cart

Pot carrying trolley is one of the most practical and important equipment that every kitchen and dining hall needs. Normally, without using this trolley, you have to use several people to move the food pot, but using this trolley, you can easily move the food pots.

The pot carrying trolley, which is also called the pot carrying cart, is made of a flat steel plate that is placed on 4 legs. These 4 wheels help the smooth and comfortable movement of this trolley. There is a handle behind the pot carrying trolley, which is made of 304 steel and is used to push and move the trolley.

The pot carrying cart can bear high weight and has high resistance and durability. The boiler carrying trolley should be able to continue moving no matter how much the weight of the boiler and the items placed on it increases. This product is made of steel sheet, iron or profile, and in addition to the existing standard samples, it is also produced based on the customer's needs and orders.

Saler Company Information

Company : Tajhiz Gostar Khavarmianeh
Mobile : 00989128299793
Phone : 00982144374283
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