Garbage collection desk
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Garbage collection desk

Garbage bins and waste collection equipment should be used to collect waste from containers and the industrial kitchen environment and to observe complete hygiene. Most of the time, it is seen that garbage is dumped around the trash cans due to the carelessness of the users. In order to solve this problem, a garbage collection work table is used, and a trash can is placed in the lower part of this table. This desk has high consumption and use in industrial kitchens and is very effective in collecting and organizing the environment.

The material of the waste collection desk is steel, and its task is to direct the waste dumped on the table into the trash can. This work table is made of 304 stainless steel sheet with a thickness of 1-2 mm and has 4 legs made of 304 stainless steel fabric profile. The garbage collection work table has a tub and a special one-piece basin, completely pressed and made of fabric, and it can be ordered in desired dimensions and sizes.

Garbage collection desks have different prices because they are made and produced with different materials and by many companies. The material and type of basin and tub construction used on this work table is very important and plays an important role in determining its final price. Due to the lack of advanced machinery, many manufacturing companies cannot produce a one-piece basin and tub, and they make the basin using several sheets and connections from bend points, which causes problems during cleaning and rusting at the weld points over time. This issue is very influential in the final price of the garbage collection desk, and you should definitely pay attention to this when buying.

Saler Company Information

Company : Tajhiz Gostar Khavarmianeh
Mobile : 00989128299793
Phone : 00982144374283
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Garbage collection desk

Garbage bins and waste collection equipment should be used to collect waste from containers and the industrial kitchen environment and to observe complete hygiene. Most of the time, it is seen that garbage is dumped around the trash cans due to the carelessness of the users. In order to solve this problem, a garbage collection work table is used, and a trash can is placed in the lower part of this table. This desk has high consumption and use in industrial kitchens and is very effective in collecting and organizing the environment.

The material of the waste collection desk is steel, and its task is to direct the waste dumped on the table into the trash can. This work table is made of 304 stainless steel sheet with a thickness of 1-2 mm and has 4 legs made of 304 stainless steel fabric profile. The garbage collection work table has a tub and a special one-piece basin, completely pressed and made of fabric, and it can be ordered in desired dimensions and sizes.

Garbage collection desks have different prices because they are made and produced with different materials and by many companies. The material and type of basin and tub construction used on this work table is very important and plays an important role in determining its final price. Due to the lack of advanced machinery, many manufacturing companies cannot produce a one-piece basin and tub, and they make the basin using several sheets and connections from bend points, which causes problems during cleaning and rusting at the weld points over time. This issue is very influential in the final price of the garbage collection desk, and you should definitely pay attention to this when buying.

Saler Company Information

Company : Tajhiz Gostar Khavarmianeh
Mobile : 00989128299793
Phone : 00982144374283
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