Standing boiler
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Standing boiler

The standing steam boiler is suitable for producing steam at low pressures and capacities, which is usually used in steam sauna rooms, laundries, swimming pools, for disinfection of hospital equipment (autoclave), small food industries, leather industries, concreting, etc. to be
The way the standing boiler works is that the burner, which is located at the bottom of the boiler, puts the fire into the furnace of the boiler, which is surrounded by refractory bricks. On the other hand, the water entering the boiler between the two walls takes the heat of the furnace and the resulting smoke, heats up and turns into steam and exits from the steam outlet at the top of the boiler. A pump to enter water into the boiler, a water fountain to display the water level, a thermocouple, a pressure gauge, an electrical panel to control the boiler, etc. are installed on the standing boiler so that this boiler is fully functional and for periodic service and inspection. The manhole is considered under pressure in the lower part. The body of the standing steam boiler is completely insulated by rock wool with a density of 100 and a cover of colored galvanized sheet, aluminum or stainless steel is installed on it. At the end, the hydrostatic test is done 6 times.

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Company : Celsius Engineering Technical Group
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Standing boiler

The standing steam boiler is suitable for producing steam at low pressures and capacities, which is usually used in steam sauna rooms, laundries, swimming pools, for disinfection of hospital equipment (autoclave), small food industries, leather industries, concreting, etc. to be
The way the standing boiler works is that the burner, which is located at the bottom of the boiler, puts the fire into the furnace of the boiler, which is surrounded by refractory bricks. On the other hand, the water entering the boiler between the two walls takes the heat of the furnace and the resulting smoke, heats up and turns into steam and exits from the steam outlet at the top of the boiler. A pump to enter water into the boiler, a water fountain to display the water level, a thermocouple, a pressure gauge, an electrical panel to control the boiler, etc. are installed on the standing boiler so that this boiler is fully functional and for periodic service and inspection. The manhole is considered under pressure in the lower part. The body of the standing steam boiler is completely insulated by rock wool with a density of 100 and a cover of colored galvanized sheet, aluminum or stainless steel is installed on it. At the end, the hydrostatic test is done 6 times.

Saler Company Information

Company : Celsius Engineering Technical Group
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