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Air washer is a device for air conditioning in which air is in direct contact with water droplets and mass and heat exchange between water and air occurs. The air outlet conditions depend on the temperature of the sprayed water, and by controlling the water temperature, the air outlet conditions in the ventilation system can be determined.
The main components of the air washer
The most important part of the air washer includes a chamber containing several series of nozzles for spraying water and a separating part that separates the water and air at the exit from each other. One part is also for the accumulation of impurities of sprayed water and particles in the air. After the air collides with the water droplets, its impurities are introduced in this part. The geyser part, when it washes the air and captures its solid particles, can add moisture to it and can also absorb moisture from the air. The water-air contact chamber is W-shaped. This section forces the air to hit the wet plates to clean the sprayed droplets of air particles. The pump also circulates the water.

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Company : Celsius Engineering Technical Group
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Air washer is a device for air conditioning in which air is in direct contact with water droplets and mass and heat exchange between water and air occurs. The air outlet conditions depend on the temperature of the sprayed water, and by controlling the water temperature, the air outlet conditions in the ventilation system can be determined.
The main components of the air washer
The most important part of the air washer includes a chamber containing several series of nozzles for spraying water and a separating part that separates the water and air at the exit from each other. One part is also for the accumulation of impurities of sprayed water and particles in the air. After the air collides with the water droplets, its impurities are introduced in this part. The geyser part, when it washes the air and captures its solid particles, can add moisture to it and can also absorb moisture from the air. The water-air contact chamber is W-shaped. This section forces the air to hit the wet plates to clean the sprayed droplets of air particles. The pump also circulates the water.

Saler Company Information

Company : Celsius Engineering Technical Group
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