Ozone generator
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Ozone generator

Ozone generator, ozone generator device, O3 gas is very strong and has high oxidation power, the ozone molecule is not stable and cannot be because chlorine remains and is a good preservative to prevent re-contamination during 48 hours after injecting possible ozone gas into the network. but the disinfection percentage of ozone gas is higher than chlorine and it also removes very dangerous pollution, but ozone gas cannot be stored or transported. This makes ozone production always done on site. Therefore, the stage of transporting and storing chemicals is eliminated in this method. In many regions of Europe, ozone produced by an ozone generator is used to disinfect water and simultaneously remove the smell, taste, taste and color of water. Ozone's strong affinity for oxidation is not selective, so not all impurities in water, whether harmful or harmless, are protected from oxidation by ozone. Therefore, the required ozone consumption depends on the quality of the water regardless of the degree of pollution from a health point of view. Therefore, the cost of ozonation may be completely uneconomical for some waters. Even some pathogenic bacteria that resist chlorination are easily destroyed by water disinfection with an ozone generator. In addition, it is claimed that the use of ozone does not cause the formation of products with unpleasant odors such as chlorophenol or harmful compounds such as organochlorine compounds, although the production of bromates is questionable. Ozone production by using an ozone generator is due to electrical discharge in the presence of oxygen and its residue in purified water is oxygen. Ozone gas is formed naturally during lightning or by ultraviolet rays in sunlight. But ozone production is done artificially in two ways: UV lamps or electric discharge. Ozone production in high volume is generally done by electric discharge on two poles, which is known as Silent Electrical Discharge (SED). Ozone generators operate using this method using high voltage electrodes that are spaced apart. In new ozone production devices (ozone generator device), oxygen flows in between this distance and ozone can be produced by using electrical discharge, that is, with the help of alternating current, with a pressure of 8 to 10 thousand volts and a frequency of 500. He used an ozone generator to disinfect water. The problems of producing ozone gas for water disinfection by ozone generator can be high corrosiveness in the means of preparation and transportation (which should use anti-corrosive materials), heavy initial investment cost which is comparable to the cost of using chlorine. magnetite and ultraviolet ray device are not mentioned, because ozone gas must be used on site for water disinfection, so every water treatment plant must be equipped with an ozone gas production unit, while treatment plants can use chlorine without the need To produce in the place to procure from the consumption market. Of course, in the meantime, with the advancement of electrical technology, the cost of the ozone production unit has been significantly reduced. Another problem with the ozone generator for water disinfection is that ozone must be injected under pressure so that the toxic and corrosive mixture of ozone and air does not spread in the environment. that solving this problem is insignificant compared to the cost of electricity, and it is also possible to solve the problem of ozone production and consumption in the place by first removing water pollution with an ozone generator at the place of treatment plants, and then by injecting a small amount of chlorine into the water network supply water This low amount of chlorine will not cause any health or environmental problems. This method can be used to disinfect pool water with ozone. The amount of ozone consumed and produced by the ozone generator device changes depending on the degree of water pollution and also depending on whether water disinfection with the ozone generator device is considered as the only means of purification or is used along with chlorine. The amount of ozone required for water disinfection is half to one gram of ozone per cubic meter of water and the duration of disinfection is 10 to 15 minutes. During this time, gaseous ozone mixed with air should be introduced into the water. The benefit of using the ozone generator device for water disinfection and disinfection is that after the water is disinfected with the ozone generator device, ozone gas does not remain in the water and it does not change the smell and taste of the water unlike chlorine, but instead it is expensive. It is better. The advantages of ozone gas preparation by the ozone generator device for water disinfection and disinfection: high oxidizing power and very little contact time, so that microorganisms and even viruses will be destroyed within a few seconds in contact with ozone. During production, it does not create a special smell and taste, so it does not change the color, smell and taste of the water. Disinfection of water with ozone generator produces oxygen in water after disinfection. Disinfecting does not require any special chemicals. It quickly interacts with all kinds of organic substances and removes them by oxidation. The remaining ozone is destroyed by the ozone generator in the water. Preventing the constituents of nucleic acids, disintegrating the walls of cells by penetrating into micro-organisms (water disinfection with an ozone generator) As we know, the biggest problem with consuming fish, chicken, beef and sheep meat is the presence of bacteria. Salmonella and listeria are in these foods, it is necessary to use water periodically to wash contaminated objects and remove dust from various products and to wash contaminated workshops, walls and surfaces where water is used. Unfortunately, most of the water sources are still disinfected with chlorine gas, which is used to destroy pathogenic bacteria in the period of

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Ozone generator

Ozone generator, ozone generator device, O3 gas is very strong and has high oxidation power, the ozone molecule is not stable and cannot be because chlorine remains and is a good preservative to prevent re-contamination during 48 hours after injecting possible ozone gas into the network. but the disinfection percentage of ozone gas is higher than chlorine and it also removes very dangerous pollution, but ozone gas cannot be stored or transported. This makes ozone production always done on site. Therefore, the stage of transporting and storing chemicals is eliminated in this method. In many regions of Europe, ozone produced by an ozone generator is used to disinfect water and simultaneously remove the smell, taste, taste and color of water. Ozone's strong affinity for oxidation is not selective, so not all impurities in water, whether harmful or harmless, are protected from oxidation by ozone. Therefore, the required ozone consumption depends on the quality of the water regardless of the degree of pollution from a health point of view. Therefore, the cost of ozonation may be completely uneconomical for some waters. Even some pathogenic bacteria that resist chlorination are easily destroyed by water disinfection with an ozone generator. In addition, it is claimed that the use of ozone does not cause the formation of products with unpleasant odors such as chlorophenol or harmful compounds such as organochlorine compounds, although the production of bromates is questionable. Ozone production by using an ozone generator is due to electrical discharge in the presence of oxygen and its residue in purified water is oxygen. Ozone gas is formed naturally during lightning or by ultraviolet rays in sunlight. But ozone production is done artificially in two ways: UV lamps or electric discharge. Ozone production in high volume is generally done by electric discharge on two poles, which is known as Silent Electrical Discharge (SED). Ozone generators operate using this method using high voltage electrodes that are spaced apart. In new ozone production devices (ozone generator device), oxygen flows in between this distance and ozone can be produced by using electrical discharge, that is, with the help of alternating current, with a pressure of 8 to 10 thousand volts and a frequency of 500. He used an ozone generator to disinfect water. The problems of producing ozone gas for water disinfection by ozone generator can be high corrosiveness in the means of preparation and transportation (which should use anti-corrosive materials), heavy initial investment cost which is comparable to the cost of using chlorine. magnetite and ultraviolet ray device are not mentioned, because ozone gas must be used on site for water disinfection, so every water treatment plant must be equipped with an ozone gas production unit, while treatment plants can use chlorine without the need To produce in the place to procure from the consumption market. Of course, in the meantime, with the advancement of electrical technology, the cost of the ozone production unit has been significantly reduced. Another problem with the ozone generator for water disinfection is that ozone must be injected under pressure so that the toxic and corrosive mixture of ozone and air does not spread in the environment. that solving this problem is insignificant compared to the cost of electricity, and it is also possible to solve the problem of ozone production and consumption in the place by first removing water pollution with an ozone generator at the place of treatment plants, and then by injecting a small amount of chlorine into the water network supply water This low amount of chlorine will not cause any health or environmental problems. This method can be used to disinfect pool water with ozone. The amount of ozone consumed and produced by the ozone generator device changes depending on the degree of water pollution and also depending on whether water disinfection with the ozone generator device is considered as the only means of purification or is used along with chlorine. The amount of ozone required for water disinfection is half to one gram of ozone per cubic meter of water and the duration of disinfection is 10 to 15 minutes. During this time, gaseous ozone mixed with air should be introduced into the water. The benefit of using the ozone generator device for water disinfection and disinfection is that after the water is disinfected with the ozone generator device, ozone gas does not remain in the water and it does not change the smell and taste of the water unlike chlorine, but instead it is expensive. It is better. The advantages of ozone gas preparation by the ozone generator device for water disinfection and disinfection: high oxidizing power and very little contact time, so that microorganisms and even viruses will be destroyed within a few seconds in contact with ozone. During production, it does not create a special smell and taste, so it does not change the color, smell and taste of the water. Disinfection of water with ozone generator produces oxygen in water after disinfection. Disinfecting does not require any special chemicals. It quickly interacts with all kinds of organic substances and removes them by oxidation. The remaining ozone is destroyed by the ozone generator in the water. Preventing the constituents of nucleic acids, disintegrating the walls of cells by penetrating into micro-organisms (water disinfection with an ozone generator) As we know, the biggest problem with consuming fish, chicken, beef and sheep meat is the presence of bacteria. Salmonella and listeria are in these foods, it is necessary to use water periodically to wash contaminated objects and remove dust from various products and to wash contaminated workshops, walls and surfaces where water is used. Unfortunately, most of the water sources are still disinfected with chlorine gas, which is used to destroy pathogenic bacteria in the period of

Saler Company Information

Company : Celsius Engineering Technical Group
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