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In most swimming pools, the water changes color due to the entry of various chemicals and the increase of pollutants and microorganisms resistant to chlorine. In the traditional method, the action of shocking the water with a high dose of chlorine is done several times, which also brings problems. With the use of OMNI oxidizers, it is possible to shock without using chlorine (which is harmful to the skin in large amounts), in addition, by pouring the oxidizer around the pool, you can remove the deposits formed on the pool wall. win.
Super oxidizer
Super oxidizer 1 pound (454 grams) manufactured by OMNI America (chlorine-free pool shock) reduces the amount of remaining chlorine, destroys organic matter and chloramine dissolved in water, the pool can be used only after fifteen minutes.

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Company : Celsius Engineering Technical Group
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In most swimming pools, the water changes color due to the entry of various chemicals and the increase of pollutants and microorganisms resistant to chlorine. In the traditional method, the action of shocking the water with a high dose of chlorine is done several times, which also brings problems. With the use of OMNI oxidizers, it is possible to shock without using chlorine (which is harmful to the skin in large amounts), in addition, by pouring the oxidizer around the pool, you can remove the deposits formed on the pool wall. win.
Super oxidizer
Super oxidizer 1 pound (454 grams) manufactured by OMNI America (chlorine-free pool shock) reduces the amount of remaining chlorine, destroys organic matter and chloramine dissolved in water, the pool can be used only after fifteen minutes.

Saler Company Information

Company : Celsius Engineering Technical Group
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