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Generic name: Acetaminophen, ibuprofen and caffeine
Indications :
It is used to reduce mild and moderate pain in the head and body.
General tips:
Before taking this medicine, talk to your doctor about the following:
- If you have a history of susceptibility to this drug, aspirin, xanthine, foods, protective substances and colors.
- In the case of alcohol, hepatotoxic drugs, anticoagulants, salicylates, CNS stimulants and any other medication.
- In case of liver disease, renal impairment, cardiovascular problems and any other illness.
Consumption in pregnancy and lactation:
Take this medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding with your doctor's advice.
- Take caution when taking medicine with high amounts of coffee, tea, soft drinks, foods and caffeine-containing medicines.
- Stop dizziness, rapid pulse and increase heart rate.
- If you are unsure about alcohol, tell your doctor.
Do not take aspirin and acetaminophen with this medicine for more than a few days.
- Because of the presence of acetaminophen, diabetic patients may have an unlikely glucose test.
- Do not use in patients with gastrointestinal ulcer, angioedema, nasal polyps and bronchospasm caused by aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- In patients with edema, cardiovascular problems, coagulation disorders should be used with caution.
Value and correct use of the drug:
The dosage is determined by your doctor, but the usual dose of this medication is as follows:
- Adults: 1 to 2 capsules every 4 to 6 hours.
Forgotten dose:
If you forget a dose of medication, as soon as you remember it, and if it's about the next time the next drug is commenced, take the medicine in the same way as before and do not double it.
Side effects:
Each drug has some unwanted side effects along with the desired therapeutic effects, although not all of these effects appear in one person, but if any of these occur, consult a physician:
- If you have the following symptoms, stop taking the medication and go straight to the hospital:
Diarrhea, sweating, nausea and vomiting, pain and stomach and abdominal cramps, jaundice of the skin and eyes, fainting, rapid and irregular heart beat and breathing, shortness of breath and tremor, swelling in the face, eyelids and eyes.
- If you have any of the following symptoms refer to your doctor:
Blood in the urine and stool, blurred and altered urine, bleeding and unusual bruises, pain in the back or side, rash, itching, ulcers or white patches in the mouth or lips, sore throat, blurred vision, eye pain and Increased blood pressure.
- The complications that are eliminated by the combination of the body and the medication, but if they persist or intensify, require medical attention:
Dizziness, dizziness, loss of appetite, feeling unwell and sick, anxiety, nervousness, difficulty in sleeping, unusual fatigue and weakness, muscle cramps, headache and dry mouth.
In case of accidental ingestion, transfer the patient to the hospital for more than the amount recommended by the doctor.
Storage conditions:
- Keep at a temperature below 30 ° C and away from moisture.
- Keep the medicine out of the reach of children.
- Avoid taking prescription medications.
Drug form:
The capsule contains 325 mg of acetaminophen, 200 mg of ibuprofen and 40 mg of caffeine.

Saler Company Information

Company : Tehran Chemie
Phone : 00982164049
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Generic name: Acetaminophen, ibuprofen and caffeine
Indications :
It is used to reduce mild and moderate pain in the head and body.
General tips:
Before taking this medicine, talk to your doctor about the following:
- If you have a history of susceptibility to this drug, aspirin, xanthine, foods, protective substances and colors.
- In the case of alcohol, hepatotoxic drugs, anticoagulants, salicylates, CNS stimulants and any other medication.
- In case of liver disease, renal impairment, cardiovascular problems and any other illness.
Consumption in pregnancy and lactation:
Take this medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding with your doctor's advice.
- Take caution when taking medicine with high amounts of coffee, tea, soft drinks, foods and caffeine-containing medicines.
- Stop dizziness, rapid pulse and increase heart rate.
- If you are unsure about alcohol, tell your doctor.
Do not take aspirin and acetaminophen with this medicine for more than a few days.
- Because of the presence of acetaminophen, diabetic patients may have an unlikely glucose test.
- Do not use in patients with gastrointestinal ulcer, angioedema, nasal polyps and bronchospasm caused by aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- In patients with edema, cardiovascular problems, coagulation disorders should be used with caution.
Value and correct use of the drug:
The dosage is determined by your doctor, but the usual dose of this medication is as follows:
- Adults: 1 to 2 capsules every 4 to 6 hours.
Forgotten dose:
If you forget a dose of medication, as soon as you remember it, and if it's about the next time the next drug is commenced, take the medicine in the same way as before and do not double it.
Side effects:
Each drug has some unwanted side effects along with the desired therapeutic effects, although not all of these effects appear in one person, but if any of these occur, consult a physician:
- If you have the following symptoms, stop taking the medication and go straight to the hospital:
Diarrhea, sweating, nausea and vomiting, pain and stomach and abdominal cramps, jaundice of the skin and eyes, fainting, rapid and irregular heart beat and breathing, shortness of breath and tremor, swelling in the face, eyelids and eyes.
- If you have any of the following symptoms refer to your doctor:
Blood in the urine and stool, blurred and altered urine, bleeding and unusual bruises, pain in the back or side, rash, itching, ulcers or white patches in the mouth or lips, sore throat, blurred vision, eye pain and Increased blood pressure.
- The complications that are eliminated by the combination of the body and the medication, but if they persist or intensify, require medical attention:
Dizziness, dizziness, loss of appetite, feeling unwell and sick, anxiety, nervousness, difficulty in sleeping, unusual fatigue and weakness, muscle cramps, headache and dry mouth.
In case of accidental ingestion, transfer the patient to the hospital for more than the amount recommended by the doctor.
Storage conditions:
- Keep at a temperature below 30 ° C and away from moisture.
- Keep the medicine out of the reach of children.
- Avoid taking prescription medications.
Drug form:
The capsule contains 325 mg of acetaminophen, 200 mg of ibuprofen and 40 mg of caffeine.

Saler Company Information

Company : Tehran Chemie
Phone : 00982164049
More Information : View
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