Hydroxyzine hydrochloride
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Hydroxyzine hydrochloride

Generic name: Hydroxy Zein


Hydroxyzine is prescribed for the treatment of allergies and itching. Also, in the treatment of anxiety and stress, as a sedative before general anesthesia, reducing complications of drug and alcohol withdrawal, control of allergic pruritus including chronic urticaria and nausea control are also used.

General tips:

Before taking this medicine, talk to your doctor about the following:

· If you have a history of susceptibility to this drug or similar drugs, colors, foods and protective substances.

· If you take any medication.

If you have heart disease, liver, enlarged prostate, glaucoma, problems with the urinary tract, stomach ulcers, low potassium levels.

Consumption in pregnancy and lactation:

The use of this drug during pregnancy is not recommended during breast-feeding.


In long-term treatment, contact a doctor to check the progress of treatment.

Consult your doctor before taking skin tests.

It can cause dry mouth. For temporary compensation, ice cream, chewing gum or candy can be used. If this situation persists for more than 2 weeks, see your doctor.

This medicine may cause drowsiness, so avoid treating it with any tools that require complete consciousness.

· This drug may cause sensitization.

Value and correct use of the drug:

The dosage is determined by your doctor, but the usual dose of this medication is as follows:

adults :

As an antihistamine or anti-nausea drug, a dose of 25- 100 mg is given three or four times a day.

As an anxiolytic or sedative, the amount of 100-50 mg is consumed.


Children under 6 years of age: As an antihistamine or anti-nausea drug, 12.5 mg every 6 hours as an anxiolytic or sedative daily dose of 50 mg in divided doses.

Children over 6 years of age: As an antihistamine or anti-nausea medicine 25- 12.5 mg every 6 hours as an anxiolytic and sedative drug, 100 to 50 mg per day in divided doses

The medicine can be taken with food, water or milk.

Forgotten dose:

If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember, but if you stop taking it for the next time, take it out and do not double it in accordance with the previous procedure.

Side effects:

Each drug, along with the therapeutic effect, may have a number of side effects, although all of these effects may not be seen in one person, but it is necessary in case of a referral to a physician.

· If you have any of the following symptoms refer to the doctor immediately:

Seizure Attacks, Vibration, involuntary movements, cutaneous rash, feeling of being gone, decreased blood pressure, severe sleepiness.

• Complications that may arise if your doctor needs attention:

Dry mouth, nose or throat, stomach pain and digestive discomfort, increased appetite, nausea, high temperature, drowsiness, visual impairment, restlessness, rapid heartbeat, tinnitus, unusual excitement.

Children are more sensitive to side effects than adults, and more side effects can be observed in this age group.


In case of accidental consumption, more than the prescribed dose of the patient should be transferred to the hospital.

Storage conditions:

Keep the medicine out of the reach of children.

Keep the medicine away from light and moisture at temperatures below 30 ° C.

- Syrup protected from frost.
Drug form: Syrup containing 10mg of hydroxyzine hydrochloride in 5ml

Saler Company Information

Company : Tehran Chemie
Phone : 00982164049
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Hydroxyzine hydrochloride

Generic name: Hydroxy Zein


Hydroxyzine is prescribed for the treatment of allergies and itching. Also, in the treatment of anxiety and stress, as a sedative before general anesthesia, reducing complications of drug and alcohol withdrawal, control of allergic pruritus including chronic urticaria and nausea control are also used.

General tips:

Before taking this medicine, talk to your doctor about the following:

· If you have a history of susceptibility to this drug or similar drugs, colors, foods and protective substances.

· If you take any medication.

If you have heart disease, liver, enlarged prostate, glaucoma, problems with the urinary tract, stomach ulcers, low potassium levels.

Consumption in pregnancy and lactation:

The use of this drug during pregnancy is not recommended during breast-feeding.


In long-term treatment, contact a doctor to check the progress of treatment.

Consult your doctor before taking skin tests.

It can cause dry mouth. For temporary compensation, ice cream, chewing gum or candy can be used. If this situation persists for more than 2 weeks, see your doctor.

This medicine may cause drowsiness, so avoid treating it with any tools that require complete consciousness.

· This drug may cause sensitization.

Value and correct use of the drug:

The dosage is determined by your doctor, but the usual dose of this medication is as follows:

adults :

As an antihistamine or anti-nausea drug, a dose of 25- 100 mg is given three or four times a day.

As an anxiolytic or sedative, the amount of 100-50 mg is consumed.


Children under 6 years of age: As an antihistamine or anti-nausea drug, 12.5 mg every 6 hours as an anxiolytic or sedative daily dose of 50 mg in divided doses.

Children over 6 years of age: As an antihistamine or anti-nausea medicine 25- 12.5 mg every 6 hours as an anxiolytic and sedative drug, 100 to 50 mg per day in divided doses

The medicine can be taken with food, water or milk.

Forgotten dose:

If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember, but if you stop taking it for the next time, take it out and do not double it in accordance with the previous procedure.

Side effects:

Each drug, along with the therapeutic effect, may have a number of side effects, although all of these effects may not be seen in one person, but it is necessary in case of a referral to a physician.

· If you have any of the following symptoms refer to the doctor immediately:

Seizure Attacks, Vibration, involuntary movements, cutaneous rash, feeling of being gone, decreased blood pressure, severe sleepiness.

• Complications that may arise if your doctor needs attention:

Dry mouth, nose or throat, stomach pain and digestive discomfort, increased appetite, nausea, high temperature, drowsiness, visual impairment, restlessness, rapid heartbeat, tinnitus, unusual excitement.

Children are more sensitive to side effects than adults, and more side effects can be observed in this age group.


In case of accidental consumption, more than the prescribed dose of the patient should be transferred to the hospital.

Storage conditions:

Keep the medicine out of the reach of children.

Keep the medicine away from light and moisture at temperatures below 30 ° C.

- Syrup protected from frost.
Drug form: Syrup containing 10mg of hydroxyzine hydrochloride in 5ml

Saler Company Information

Company : Tehran Chemie
Phone : 00982164049
More Information : View
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