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Each Ventalx® respiratory puff contains 100 micrograms of salbutamol sulfate. This drug is free of ozone-depleting substances.

Salbutamol is a short-acting selective beta-2 receptor agonist that relaxes the smooth muscle of the lung and thereby resolves bronchial constriction.

Ventolex® respiratory depression is used in the prevention and control of mild to moderate asthma, sporadic bronchial spasm and obstructive obstructive airway disease in patients over the age of 4 years.

Amount and how to use the medication:
Treatment of acute attacks in patients with asthma:
The usual dose of this drug in adults and children older than 4 years is one to two inhalation puffs every 4 to 6 hours. Children under 4 years of age should be consulted by the doctor.
Prevention of shortness of breath following physical activity: In adults and children over the age of 4, two tears are prescribed 15 to 30 minutes before exercising or physical activity.

Pharmaceutical form:
Ventolex® respiratory spray can be supplied in aluminum containers along with oral plastic actuators. Each container contains 200 teaspoons.

Saler Company Information

Company : Sina Darou
Phone : 00982144194521
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Each Ventalx® respiratory puff contains 100 micrograms of salbutamol sulfate. This drug is free of ozone-depleting substances.

Salbutamol is a short-acting selective beta-2 receptor agonist that relaxes the smooth muscle of the lung and thereby resolves bronchial constriction.

Ventolex® respiratory depression is used in the prevention and control of mild to moderate asthma, sporadic bronchial spasm and obstructive obstructive airway disease in patients over the age of 4 years.

Amount and how to use the medication:
Treatment of acute attacks in patients with asthma:
The usual dose of this drug in adults and children older than 4 years is one to two inhalation puffs every 4 to 6 hours. Children under 4 years of age should be consulted by the doctor.
Prevention of shortness of breath following physical activity: In adults and children over the age of 4, two tears are prescribed 15 to 30 minutes before exercising or physical activity.

Pharmaceutical form:
Ventolex® respiratory spray can be supplied in aluminum containers along with oral plastic actuators. Each container contains 200 teaspoons.

Saler Company Information

Company : Sina Darou
Phone : 00982144194521
More Information : View
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