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Ciprofloxacin 250 and 500 milligrams of this medication are prescribed for your current condition, so do not use it in similar cases or recommend it to others.


Urinary tract infection, Chronic prostatitis, Infections of the lower respiratory tract, Acute sinusitis,
Skin tissue infections, joint and bone infections, abdominal cavity infections, diarrhea.

Amount and method of administration:

The dosage is determined by your doctor, but the usual dose of this medication is as follows: 500
250 mg every 12 hours, the length of the treatment and the dosage depending on the type of illness is adjusted between 7-14 days.

Consumption in pregnancy and lactation:

It is not recommended to take this medicine during pregnancy and lactation except in emergency situations and in the diagnosis of a doctor.

prohibited usage:

If you are allergic to medicine, do not use it. Do not take concomitant medication with tizanidine.
If you have heart failure (prolonged QT), do not use it.

Warnings Precautions:

If taken in children, the risk of side effects increases. If any complications such as pain and swelling of the tendons occur, discontinue medication. If you develop allergic reactions such as skin rash or jaundice, stop using the medicine. If you have neurological complications, stop taking the medicine. Take medicine with caution in case of epileptic seizures. Drink enough fluids while taking medication.
In the long-term exposure to sunlight, it is recommended to use sunscreens.

Drug Interactions:

Drug intake with food or drugs containing calcium Ca, aluminum Al, zinc Zn, iron Fe, such as dairy products, antioxidants, multivitamin + minerals and iron tablets, may reduce drug absorption, with at least 2 hours intervals from Take medication. Avoid concomitant use with duloxetine. If used concurrently with theophylline, clozapine or reupinol, the dose adjustment of these drugs is recommended.
It may increase the serum concentration of methotrexate.

side effects:

Each drug, along with the desired therapeutic effects, may also cause some unwanted side effects. Although all these complications are not seen in one person, consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you experience any of the following:
Skin sensation, nausea and vomiting.


Keep the medicine at a temperature below 30 ° C. Keep the medicine out of the reach of children.
Avoid using a prescription drug.

Saler Company Information

Company : Razak Pharmacy
Mobile : 00989377505412
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Ciprofloxacin 250 and 500 milligrams of this medication are prescribed for your current condition, so do not use it in similar cases or recommend it to others.


Urinary tract infection, Chronic prostatitis, Infections of the lower respiratory tract, Acute sinusitis,
Skin tissue infections, joint and bone infections, abdominal cavity infections, diarrhea.

Amount and method of administration:

The dosage is determined by your doctor, but the usual dose of this medication is as follows: 500
250 mg every 12 hours, the length of the treatment and the dosage depending on the type of illness is adjusted between 7-14 days.

Consumption in pregnancy and lactation:

It is not recommended to take this medicine during pregnancy and lactation except in emergency situations and in the diagnosis of a doctor.

prohibited usage:

If you are allergic to medicine, do not use it. Do not take concomitant medication with tizanidine.
If you have heart failure (prolonged QT), do not use it.

Warnings Precautions:

If taken in children, the risk of side effects increases. If any complications such as pain and swelling of the tendons occur, discontinue medication. If you develop allergic reactions such as skin rash or jaundice, stop using the medicine. If you have neurological complications, stop taking the medicine. Take medicine with caution in case of epileptic seizures. Drink enough fluids while taking medication.
In the long-term exposure to sunlight, it is recommended to use sunscreens.

Drug Interactions:

Drug intake with food or drugs containing calcium Ca, aluminum Al, zinc Zn, iron Fe, such as dairy products, antioxidants, multivitamin + minerals and iron tablets, may reduce drug absorption, with at least 2 hours intervals from Take medication. Avoid concomitant use with duloxetine. If used concurrently with theophylline, clozapine or reupinol, the dose adjustment of these drugs is recommended.
It may increase the serum concentration of methotrexate.

side effects:

Each drug, along with the desired therapeutic effects, may also cause some unwanted side effects. Although all these complications are not seen in one person, consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you experience any of the following:
Skin sensation, nausea and vomiting.


Keep the medicine at a temperature below 30 ° C. Keep the medicine out of the reach of children.
Avoid using a prescription drug.

Saler Company Information

Company : Razak Pharmacy
Mobile : 00989377505412
More Information : View
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