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Talk to your doctor before taking this medicine:

- Any susceptibility to drugs such as aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other derivatives

- There is any sensitivity to foods, protective substances and colors

- In case of blood diseases, decreased bone marrow activity, cardio-pulmonary disease, coagulation disorder, liver disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, gastric ulcer or other gastrointestinal or digestive inflammatory diseases, kidney failure, oral mucosal inflammation, epilepsy, Psychic and Parkinson's Problems

- If consumed during pregnancy and lactation

- If used in children and the elderly

Saler Company Information

Company : Loghman pharmaceutical & hygienic
Phone : 00982144504121
More Information : View
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Talk to your doctor before taking this medicine:

- Any susceptibility to drugs such as aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other derivatives

- There is any sensitivity to foods, protective substances and colors

- In case of blood diseases, decreased bone marrow activity, cardio-pulmonary disease, coagulation disorder, liver disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, gastric ulcer or other gastrointestinal or digestive inflammatory diseases, kidney failure, oral mucosal inflammation, epilepsy, Psychic and Parkinson's Problems

- If consumed during pregnancy and lactation

- If used in children and the elderly

Saler Company Information

Company : Loghman pharmaceutical & hygienic
Phone : 00982144504121
More Information : View
Online order registration form