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The colors are designed in two colors. The beige symbolizes the warm, bony days that signify the cold nights of the Dakar Desert in the heart of the tile. Application of the Dakar model is designed and built for use in indoor spaces (walls), health environments (clinics, hospitals, pharmacies), kitchens, toilets, bathrooms, commercial spaces and work offices. The design philosophy is inspired by nature and for this reason we have tried to use natural colors and designs. Stroll on the warm sand and relax in the warm atmosphere of Dakar on hot days or fall asleep in the cold, silvery desert nights.

Saler Company Information

Company : Tabriz Tile
Phone : 009841۴۱۷۷
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The colors are designed in two colors. The beige symbolizes the warm, bony days that signify the cold nights of the Dakar Desert in the heart of the tile. Application of the Dakar model is designed and built for use in indoor spaces (walls), health environments (clinics, hospitals, pharmacies), kitchens, toilets, bathrooms, commercial spaces and work offices. The design philosophy is inspired by nature and for this reason we have tried to use natural colors and designs. Stroll on the warm sand and relax in the warm atmosphere of Dakar on hot days or fall asleep in the cold, silvery desert nights.

Saler Company Information

Company : Tabriz Tile
Phone : 009841۴۱۷۷
More Information : View
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