Atletic alcohol treatment is 96%
Atletic alcohol treatment is 96%
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Atletic alcohol treatment is 96%

Ingredients for the preparation of 96 degrees ethanol
In Iran, Ethanol comes from molasses or sugar beet syrup, which contain about 45-40% sugar.
1- Sugar beet molasses: Sugar beet syrup, which has a sugar content of 45-40%, dilute the molasses in different densities of water.
2. Industrial saturated sulfuric acid 98% used to confirm the propagation culture of PH.
Usually, depending on the conditions, four to four and a half PH is used
3. Industrial phosphoric acid 85% is used to supply phosphorus of propagation culture crops.
4. Urea fertilizer: Because sugar beet molasses are poor in nitrogen, so it is used to remove it.
5- Saccharomyces cerebrospinal fluid: This yeast is mucilaginous to convert the sugar content of molasses and is used as a fermentation agent.

The coagulant and boiling state of a processor is a heated process.
Fermentation method C2HSOH + CO2 in the absence of oxygen yeast + sugary matter
The prepared fermentation is given to distillation columns.
1- Molasses column
The fermentation prepared by a pump is given to this column and the materials are separated from each other by difference in boiling point, and some of the alcohol of this column enters the industrial column.
2 columns of water and alcohol
The alcohol obtained from the column of molasses is entered into a column of water and alcohol and water, the degree of alcohol in this column is 45-40 degrees, the temperature of this column is 86-80 degrees Celsius. This column is connected by two condenser, which for separation Impurities such as heavy alcohol and aldehyde are used. The alcohol obtained from the industrial column after refining by two condensers is continuously introduced into the column of water and alcohol.
3. The main pillar or recto fire
This column is the longest column and the alcohol is added to this column, in this column alcohol is heavy alcohol - the ester is separated, the temperature is low 102-100 psi, and the sonority of the column is 83-80, in this column Alcohol is obtained at 96 degrees and comes to the warehouse after the tests.

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Atletic alcohol treatment is 96%

Ingredients for the preparation of 96 degrees ethanol
In Iran, Ethanol comes from molasses or sugar beet syrup, which contain about 45-40% sugar.
1- Sugar beet molasses: Sugar beet syrup, which has a sugar content of 45-40%, dilute the molasses in different densities of water.
2. Industrial saturated sulfuric acid 98% used to confirm the propagation culture of PH.
Usually, depending on the conditions, four to four and a half PH is used
3. Industrial phosphoric acid 85% is used to supply phosphorus of propagation culture crops.
4. Urea fertilizer: Because sugar beet molasses are poor in nitrogen, so it is used to remove it.
5- Saccharomyces cerebrospinal fluid: This yeast is mucilaginous to convert the sugar content of molasses and is used as a fermentation agent.

The coagulant and boiling state of a processor is a heated process.
Fermentation method C2HSOH + CO2 in the absence of oxygen yeast + sugary matter
The prepared fermentation is given to distillation columns.
1- Molasses column
The fermentation prepared by a pump is given to this column and the materials are separated from each other by difference in boiling point, and some of the alcohol of this column enters the industrial column.
2 columns of water and alcohol
The alcohol obtained from the column of molasses is entered into a column of water and alcohol and water, the degree of alcohol in this column is 45-40 degrees, the temperature of this column is 86-80 degrees Celsius. This column is connected by two condenser, which for separation Impurities such as heavy alcohol and aldehyde are used. The alcohol obtained from the industrial column after refining by two condensers is continuously introduced into the column of water and alcohol.
3. The main pillar or recto fire
This column is the longest column and the alcohol is added to this column, in this column alcohol is heavy alcohol - the ester is separated, the temperature is low 102-100 psi, and the sonority of the column is 83-80, in this column Alcohol is obtained at 96 degrees and comes to the warehouse after the tests.

Saler Company Information

Company : Visyan
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