Aqueous extract of propolis aroma
Aqueous extract of propolis aroma
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Product price : 52,000 Toman
Aqueous extract of propolis aroma
price : 52,000 Toman

Propolis is a resin that bees collect from trees and plants. It is probably the name of the propolis from Aristotle's innovations derived from the Greek words (propolis) in the sense of defending the city. The main and major combination of propolis. Contains resin and wax. It also contains some essential fatty acids, round flowers and organic and inorganic compounds such as silver, sodium, mercury, copper, manganese, iron, calcium, vanadium and silica. Wax is most commonly found in the inlet or in the flywheel of the hive. To be. Laminated wax layers stored in the hive are used to block the hinge seams and pores. The most important use of propolis in the hive is to cover and disinfect the cells in which the queen lays eggs.
Treatment method of aqueous extract of propolis:
Propolis does not act as a chemical drug that destroys foreign bacteria and viruses and germs, but rather regulates hormones and an antibiotic, which is the body's natural stimulant. As a result propolis can be used by any healthy person or patient.
Uses (medicinal properties):
Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, gastrointestinal ulcers, oral diseases, respiratory and anemia diseases, wound healing, wound healing, especially burn wounds, immune system improvement, immune stimulation, liver protection and strengthening Anti-allergic, Anti-fatty acid, Anti-fungal, Anti-fungal, Anti-parasitic, Anti-radiation, Disinfectant, Anti-tumor (Cancer), Anti-virus, Anti-bacterial, Anti-cough and throat clogging, Anti-aphthous, Tooth decay , Anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
Beauty application:
Skin and cosmetic applications are one of the most common uses of propolis and its extracts today. Its effects on tissue repair and regeneration have been thoroughly investigated. Propolis, along with its bactericidal and fungicidal properties, provides many benefits in various cosmetic applications. The aqueous extract of propolis is extracted using water and is the best type of extract (due to the lack of alcohol in the extract). ) And contains 2% propolis extract.
Usage and Maintenance:
The propolis extract can be consumed in the form of 2 or 3 ml daily, either with honey, milk or juice. The best time to take propolis extract is 5 minutes before or after a meal.
The propolis extract should be stored in a cool, dry place at 2 ° C (refrigerator temperature).

Saler Company Information

Company : Rayehe Khansar Honey
Phone : 00983157770422
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Aqueous extract of propolis aroma
priceee : 52,000 Toman

Propolis is a resin that bees collect from trees and plants. It is probably the name of the propolis from Aristotle's innovations derived from the Greek words (propolis) in the sense of defending the city. The main and major combination of propolis. Contains resin and wax. It also contains some essential fatty acids, round flowers and organic and inorganic compounds such as silver, sodium, mercury, copper, manganese, iron, calcium, vanadium and silica. Wax is most commonly found in the inlet or in the flywheel of the hive. To be. Laminated wax layers stored in the hive are used to block the hinge seams and pores. The most important use of propolis in the hive is to cover and disinfect the cells in which the queen lays eggs.
Treatment method of aqueous extract of propolis:
Propolis does not act as a chemical drug that destroys foreign bacteria and viruses and germs, but rather regulates hormones and an antibiotic, which is the body's natural stimulant. As a result propolis can be used by any healthy person or patient.
Uses (medicinal properties):
Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, gastrointestinal ulcers, oral diseases, respiratory and anemia diseases, wound healing, wound healing, especially burn wounds, immune system improvement, immune stimulation, liver protection and strengthening Anti-allergic, Anti-fatty acid, Anti-fungal, Anti-fungal, Anti-parasitic, Anti-radiation, Disinfectant, Anti-tumor (Cancer), Anti-virus, Anti-bacterial, Anti-cough and throat clogging, Anti-aphthous, Tooth decay , Anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
Beauty application:
Skin and cosmetic applications are one of the most common uses of propolis and its extracts today. Its effects on tissue repair and regeneration have been thoroughly investigated. Propolis, along with its bactericidal and fungicidal properties, provides many benefits in various cosmetic applications. The aqueous extract of propolis is extracted using water and is the best type of extract (due to the lack of alcohol in the extract). ) And contains 2% propolis extract.
Usage and Maintenance:
The propolis extract can be consumed in the form of 2 or 3 ml daily, either with honey, milk or juice. The best time to take propolis extract is 5 minutes before or after a meal.
The propolis extract should be stored in a cool, dry place at 2 ° C (refrigerator temperature).

Saler Company Information

Company : Rayehe Khansar Honey
Phone : 00983157770422
More Information : View
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