Coconut candy
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Coconut candy

Using the best raw materials

Ingredients: star flour, sugar, solid vegetable oil, coconut powder, milk powder, rose water, baking powder, vanilla, water
Nutritional value of coconut:

The nutritional value of coconut lies mostly in its fruit. Coconut meat has different enzymes such as invertin, oxidase and catalase. Also, coconut milk contains various amino acids such as histidine, arginine, proline, leucine and alanine. Coconut kernel or fruit meat is used in different ways, including preparation of coconut powder and flour from fresh coconut meat kernel, which is used in food and confectionery industry. The dry coconut kernel is also the richest source of vegetable oil with 60-67% fat, which is used for food and medicine.
Coconut candy
green cardamom

Coconut powder is extremely nutritious, it provides all kinds of B vitamins, vitamin C, minerals and protein needed by the body. It also prevents problems such as arthritis (joint pain) and osteoporosis.

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Company : Zarshenas Fasa
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Coconut candy

Using the best raw materials

Ingredients: star flour, sugar, solid vegetable oil, coconut powder, milk powder, rose water, baking powder, vanilla, water
Nutritional value of coconut:

The nutritional value of coconut lies mostly in its fruit. Coconut meat has different enzymes such as invertin, oxidase and catalase. Also, coconut milk contains various amino acids such as histidine, arginine, proline, leucine and alanine. Coconut kernel or fruit meat is used in different ways, including preparation of coconut powder and flour from fresh coconut meat kernel, which is used in food and confectionery industry. The dry coconut kernel is also the richest source of vegetable oil with 60-67% fat, which is used for food and medicine.
Coconut candy
green cardamom

Coconut powder is extremely nutritious, it provides all kinds of B vitamins, vitamin C, minerals and protein needed by the body. It also prevents problems such as arthritis (joint pain) and osteoporosis.

Saler Company Information

Company : Zarshenas Fasa
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